Arena of Faith arrives in Ronin with events and rewards for the community


17 days ago




Arena of Faith (AOF), a cross-platform MOBA, is preparing for its integration into the Ronin Network. Featuring 5v5 matches where players choose heroes and employ strategies on a map with three lanes and jungle areas, AOF combines competitive gameplay with on-chain economics through NFTs and the $ACP token.

What the Arena of Faith experience will be like in Ronin

With its arrival in Ronin, Arena of Faith will implement various activities and benefits for players:

  • Ronin Activation: Ronin users will receive exclusive activations designed for the community, including special rewards, benefits, and in-game offers.

  • Cup Match Event: An exclusive tournament where new players can compete for $ACP and other tokens from allied projects.

  • Leaderboard Position: As players progress, they can convert their earnings into the game's governance token.

  • Bounty Hunter Program: A scholarship-like system that will allow players to borrow NFTs from other users to compete and generate rewards.

  • Participation in events: The community will be able to participate in different events and activities with additional incentives, improving their gaming experience and obtaining exclusive rewards.

The role of ACP in Arena of Faith

The ACP (Arena Competition Protocol) token is the economic pillar of Arena of Faith, driving competition within the game. It is now available on, making it easy to access and useful within the ecosystem.

The integration of Arena of Faith with Ronin marks another step forward in the expansion of blockchain gaming. With a focus on competition, automated tournaments, and an active community, AOF looks to position itself as a key title in the ecosystem.

Stay tuned for updates on your X account and get ready to join the arena.

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