How to get coins or $pixel in Pixels?


6 months ago




How to get coins or $pixel in Pixels?

With the arrival of chapter 2 to Pixels, dynamics and strategies were transformed in the game's meta, especially in the way of obtaining "earnings", whether through the board with $Pixels token rewards or through coins, the latter being highly valued in the OTC market.

It is true that it became difficult to find a balance for the market to recover or take the appropriate prices, however, in the last two weeks, a new rebound has begun in the items that can be farmed and exchanged, so more than ever, it is necessary to know how to make calculations and what tools to use to maximize profit.

Farming strategies

Here the page will be of maximum utility, along with a brief Excel document, which will also be available for download as a basic guide. With this, we can use two types of strategies, a quick one (dedicated to farming skills) and a slightly more comprehensive one (dedicated to making profit in coins).

Let's remember that in this chapter, this logic applies: Higher skill level = Higher earnings, so it is a personal decision which strategy to apply first, depending on your focus.

Quick strategy

At, we will find various tables with abundant information in different sections,

Here's the text: like these:

In this strategy, we are only interested in the Profit/E section, which means how much profit is obtained per energy spent. But remember! in order to benefit even after buying the necessary items or even after farming them yourself (keep in mind that it consumes energy and implies an expense), we will only look for those that are above 8 in profit, examples:

With 8 Profit/E per unit, profit can already be obtained!

This is useful if your particular interest is to level up skills without sacrificing coins to take greater advantage of the task board and obtain pixels; remember that tasks now have a minimum level, which can be found with the Voxels extension in its premium version:

In green, you will see the ones that are already unlocked (it is recommended to be at least 2 levels above the one shown)

"Complex" Strategy

Truthfully, here we only add a very simple excel document, which allows us to see which item generates the most profit per unit, considering expenses and data that omits and therefore, the profit we make is "false", as shown here:

Now, how do we make these calculations? In the case of farming, it is necessary to be clear about: the price of the seed and how much we are going to plant, the cost of energy (which we can obtain from or do it manually), the selling price, and how much the market charges us for the sale fee (10% non-vip, 1% for vips).

In other cases like Cooking, the only variable is the price not of the seed, but of the necessary items:

Here you will find the Excel reference, which you must download from the sheets to modify it to your liking; in it you will find an item from each industry, so you can add as many as you want!


With all this, you can now make your own calculations and use the strategy that best suits you!

See you in Terra Villa!





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