Are you ready to challenge the bandits and pirates of the Galaxy?
In Parallel your goal is to destroy any opponent that they put in your way, to do this, you must build your strategy and deck, so quickly learn how to play in this guide!

The beginning:
You must create an account (in case you don't have one) and install the game from its website
It's not very heavy, so in less than half an hour, it will be ready for you to play!

Now what should we do?
If it's your first time playing the game, you'll need to complete the game tutorial, which will teach you the main mechanics of parallel. There you'll find Ship Ai, an artificial intelligence robot that will become your personal assistant and give you some tips!

What should I know to complete the tutorial and be able to play?
Parallel is a card game similar to Axie Infinity and Pirate Nation, however, its system is more complete and dynamic, so here, you will find these types of cards:

- UNITS: Creatures, constructs, and beings of all types that can occupy the board and participate in combat.
- RELICS: Non-combatant permanents that can occupy the board and have various effects, whether persistent, activated, or temporary.
- EFFECTS: One-time events that do something and then are wasted.
- UPGRADES: A type of card that attaches to a Unit on the field and changes its Stats and/or Skills.

And how should they be used?
The units are the only ones that will suffer damage throughout the game, but at the same time, they are your greatest shield.
You have between 10 and 30 life points, just like your enemies, but each card gets in the way of the attacks that your opponent makes, the same goes for him.

Therefore, it is important that you always try to have at least one unit in front, so that you can attack and cover yourself.
Relics, effects, and upgrades are cards that you can keep in your deck or on the board to improve your chances, abilities, and damage, however, be careful when using them, some are single-use and are discarded.
How do I know what type of card it is and how long it lasts?
Each card has a description of its nature at the top, and right-clicking on it will give you detailed information on how it works!
Now, to see how much "life" and "damage" our units have, which are the cards that usually have a limit of usefulness, you should look at the bottom of the cards.
- In green, you will find the health they have.
- In red, the damage they can cause.
But be careful, for every hit you land on your enemy, you will also lose a hit of life, that is, example:
If your enemy's card has two life, and yours has two damage and two life, both cards will be destroyed!
Create your strategy with this in mind.
Special units

Better known in the game as Parallel's, they are the group leaders who have some special passive ability and therefore, negatively or positively affect your game.
These units can only be used once per game, but their effects will remain active for the duration of the game!

Time Limits
Like most games we know so far, Parallel also has a time limit to make your moves.
You will find this clock in the middle of the right side of the screen.
It is necessary to remember that each card can also be used only once per turn.
And most importantly, you are completely dependent on the energy you have!
How does energy work?
Unlike what we are used to, passively recharging energy at the start of each game and having a % established by the game.
In Parallel you make your own energy, at the beginning of each turn, you must choose a card from your deck that you do not consider useful, to give you energy. (you must drag it to the energy bar, located at the bottom right)
Each card provides one energy point (and you can only sacrifice one per turn)
So think carefully about which cards you start your game with, no matter how strong it may seem, it may not be the right time to use it, in fact, you may not even be able to use it because you don't have enough energy!
To know how much energy a card needs, just look at the top right of the card!

With this, you are ready to start your adventure in the middle of the galaxies!
Don't forget to use the time button, to make sure you have finished the moves you wanted and want to end your turn before the final time.

I hope to find you in Parallels defeating pirates!