Forgotten Playland arrives on Epic Store

Yujuuu01 | OLA

15 days ago




This March 27, Forgotten Playland arrives on the Epic Store, ensuring accessibility and presenting itself as an attractive game to players passing through the platform.

What is Forgotten Playland?

Set in an abandoned attic, this is a party game that offers players a wide variety of minigames and small plush toys called Plushkyns as characters. The game incorporates social and customization elements with the intention of making each session feel different for players.

Social Hub

This is the starting point of every player's adventure. Here, players can team up with friends and strangers to explore the game together.

Customization Station

This feature offers deep customization options. Players can customize various traits of their PlushKyns, including but not limited to: skin, head, eyes, neck, arms, and legs.


The game incorporates blockchain technology and the Forgotten Playland token ($FP), which will be the main currency used in Forgotten Playland.

Confirmed Minigames

  • Bump-A-Ball: Players engage in an exciting contest where they try to knock each other off a wooden table platform. The platform evolves as saw blades gradually cut it down, reducing space and amplifying difficulty.
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  • Jungle Rumble: Players navigate a vibrant jungle-themed area, dodging obstacles and each other to become the last standing PlushKyn. The animated chaos of various obstacles creates an unpredictable adventure that intensifies with each passing second.
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  • BalanceBeam Bonanza: Players embark on an exciting precision journey, navigating a narrow course while striving to be the first to reach the finish line.
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  • Splash Step: Players test their memory and agility as they jump through a changing arena of colored tiles, racing against time and opponents while trying to remember the lit-up colored areas. Players must stay one step ahead as the floor beneath them sinks.
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  • Shuffle Square: Players leap into a game of quick thinking and ultra-fast reflexes, trying to stay on the square that matches the shown image.
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  • Busy Board: Players navigate a board filled with matching images and try to avoid the square that matches the designated image. Players must stay agile and alert as the board moves and changes beneath their feet.
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  • Rolling Rally: Players compete against friends and foes in a high-speed chase to be the first to complete three laps around the circuit. But beware: the screen constantly moves, and falling behind means falling off.
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  • Tentacle Tap: Players dive into the chaos of the deep sea in Tentacle Tap, where they compete against others to hit as many tentacles as they can, collecting coins with each successful hit. With tentacles popping up everywhere, quick reflexes and sharp focus are essential.
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  • Snuggle Standstill: Players enter the tense and thrilling world of Snuggle Standstill, where they must advance cautiously while the chest is closed and freeze in place before it opens. Precision and timing are crucial as players make their way to the finish line.
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  • BoomKyn Battle: Players engage in explosive action in BoomKyn Battle, where they must strategically place bombs to destroy obstacles and eliminate other players. Players can collect various power-ups, giving them advantages they can use to their benefit.
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  • Secret Stroll: Players venture into unknown territory with Secret Stroll, where they must carefully navigate an invisible path that reveals itself as they approach. Stay ahead of opponents as the slowest player is eliminated.
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Forgotten Playland intends to release more minigames, which will be revealed later.

The party awaits you this March 27th!

Register Now!





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