Guía Space Nation (YGG GAP Temporada8)

hiram moreno

4 months ago




Space Nation

Embark on a journey of survival, exploration, and war at the far reaches of the universe. Navigate dangerous environments, interact with different species, and uncover the secrets of ancient space ruins as the captain of a spaceship.

Mission 1 - To The Stars


This mission is designed to introduce players to the game and teach them the basic concepts by guiding them through some of the early story content.

How to Participate:

  • Visit the Space Nation website to download and install the game.

  • Complete the New Player Experience and finish the main story mission "Revenge of the Old Hero."


  1. Visit the Space Nation website to download and install the game.

  2. Create your Space Nation account.

  3. Create your captain and start playing the game.

  4. Complete the main story mission "Revenge of the Old Hero."

  5. Post the screenshot on X/Twitter and detail your experience with the mission. Use the hashtags: #YGGxSpaceNation #YGGGAPS8 @YieldGuild @SpaceNationOL


800 YGG Points

Mission 2 - Interstellar Novice


This mission is designed to get the player more involved in the game by leveling up and striving to achieve a high score in the dungeon.

How to Participate:

  • Visit the Space Nation website to download and install the game.

  • Complete at least 1 dungeon with an A rank.


  1. Visit the Space Nation website to download and install the game.

  2. Start playing the game.

  3. Complete missions, milestones, and objectives to increase your captain rank.

  4. Reach captain level 20.

  5. Complete a dungeon with an A rank.

  6. Post a screenshot on X and share your experience with the mission. Use the hashtags: #YGGxSpaceNation #YGGGAPS8 @YieldGuild @SpaceNationOL


4800 YGG Points

Mission 3 - Galaxy Broadcaster


This mission is designed to give visibility to both GAP Season 8 and SpaceNation through content on social media.

How to Participate:

  • Visit the Space Nation website to download and install the game.

  • Refer 3 friends using your game's referral code.


  1. Visit the Space Nation website to download and install the game.

  2. Visit the Space Nation page Logistikos to generate your referral code.

  3. Refer 3 friends using your referral code.

  4. Post a short video on X (suggested duration from 30 seconds to 1 minute). It can be a video or a gameplay clip of you and your friends playing any of SpaceNation's modes: Exploration, Dungeon Runs, PvP Arena, etc.

  5. Be creative! Feel free to use content from the YGG Media Kit to make your video stand out.

  6. Use the hashtags: #YGGxSpaceNation #YGGGAPS8 @YieldGuild @SpaceNationOL


600 YGG Points

Premium Mission - Interstellar Veteran


This mission is designed to challenge players by making them experience a great part of what the game has to offer.

How to Participate:

  • Purchase the YGG premium pass for GAP Season 8.

  • Visit the Space Nation website to download and install the game.


  1. You must have the YGG Premium Pass for GAP Season 8 to participate in this quest.

  2. Visit the Space Nation website to download and install the game.

  3. Complete missions, milestones, and objectives to increase your captain rank.

  4. Reach captain level 30.

  5. Post the screenshot on X and detail your experience with the mission. Use the hashtags: #YGGxSpaceNation #YGGGAPS8 @YieldGuild @SpaceNationOL


5250 YGG Points





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space nationviaje de supervivenciaexploraciónguerrauniversoentornos peligrososespeciesantiguas ruinas espacialesnave espacialmisión 1to the starsjugadoresconceptos básicoshistoriaparticiparsitio webdescargarinstalarexperiencia de nuevo jugadorrevenge of the old herocriterioscuentacapitánjuegoscreenshotexperienciahashtagsyggxspacenationygggaps8yieldguildspacenationolrecompensa800 ygg pointsmisión 2interstellar noviceinvolucrarsesubir de nivelpuntuación altamazmorracompletardungeonrango aempezar a jugarmisioneshitosobjetivosnivel 20completar una dungeon4800 ygg pointsmisión 3galaxy broadcastervisibilidadgap season 8redes socialesrecomendar amigoscódigo de referenciavideo cortocreativomedia kit600 ygg pointsmisión premiuminterstellar veteranpase premium yggtemporada 8 de gapnivel 305250 ygg points

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