Mansion, lies, and more: Welcome to Mystery Society!
Mystery Society offers fluid and intuitive gameplay, where your qualities as an investigator must stand out. Complete the missions, get the letters from the mail, discover the impostor or, on the contrary, be a great impostor: that's the most important thing! So learn how to achieve it here:
Initial aspects
Upon entering, you will find a fairly intuitive menu where you can:
- Customize your character, from the haircut to the clothes they wear (if you have NFT, it will be even more exclusive).
- Invite your friends
- Create or join a game room

- See the NFTs you have in your inventory
- Leaderboard.
- See your achievements

Game rooms:
You can create or join any game room that is public. To do this, keep this in mind:
- To start the game, you need at least 5 participants.
- You can interact through emoji reactions
- You must give microphone permission to communicate in discussion meetings (not mandatory).

Basic movement controls:
To be able to move around the map you have two options:
- Mouse: With this, you must right click on a certain space in the mansion that you want to go to. A small sign will appear that says "move". With this, you can also interact with the map, either to do your research, take objects, report deaths or vote for who you suspect.

- Keyboard: As is usual in games that have limited movement (up, down, sideways), you can use a, w, s, d or the arrows to move.
The game asks for prior permission to use the microphone, and it is no wonder, since Mystery bets on interaction and social fun while you are rewarded. However, it will only be in the debate room that it will be active to be able to give your arguments about a suspect or defend yourself.

Roles you can have:
Here you are either part of the investigators or you are a killer. Each one has their characteristics:
- Investigator: Their function is to complete as many tasks as they can, such as looking for clues, repairing damage done by the killer or that are predetermined by the game.
- Killer: As its name indicates, its main function is to kill the other members without being discovered; for this, it can also sabotage the operation of the mansion.
How do I complete my tasks?
Once the game starts, everyone starts from the same starting point (Mansion Garden) and you must look for four main tools:

- Dagger: As an investigator, with this you can open envelopes in which you can get some letter fragments or a complete one, which once you deposit them in the mail, the percentage of completed tasks will increase. As a killer, with this you can also kill other players.
- Key: Essential for investigators, since with this they can open locks or "private" places, where they can find clues to find the impostor or compensations to achieve the tasks.

- Wrench: This tool is very useful for both killers and investigators, since it allows them to sabotage and repair the functioning of the mansion.
- Hammer: Useful in the hands of investigators to break ceramic pigs and find letters. In the hands of killers, it also becomes a deadly weapon.
As an investigator, you must go through the different rooms of the mansion in search of clues, letter fragments and pay close attention to your companions to find out who the impostor may be. You will know which spaces to interact with because they stand out on the map with a glow or circle that indicates which tool you should use.

As a killer, the main thing is to sabotage the work of the investigators for as long as necessary in order to kill them and thus achieve your goal.

Use of items:
Both tools and letters must be carried in your hand in order to use them or deposit them in the mail (all users can see what you are carrying). However, keep in mind what your objective is, as you can only carry one item in your hand at a time. You do not have an inventory, so if you want to exchange your hammer for a letter, the first one will remain in the place where you picked up the new item. 
"Advantages" of the Killer:

- In order to move more quickly or hide from a crime scene, you can use the paintings that are hanging on the wall, you just have to click on them to enter and look for a place alone to be able to leave (on the map you will see pointers where you can go)
- You will have the benefit of sabotage, with which you can distract other players so that they do not fulfill their tasks and catch some lonely innocent and kill him.
- Be careful how you use sabotage or if you don't use the "kill" in time, because both have a cooldown that can make the difference in the game.

Let the intrigue consume you in Mystery Society!