Big Update to Off The Grid


10 days ago




Off The Grid has launched its biggest update to date. Teardrop has grown and improved with new features, a devastating cyberlimb, a new side mode, and a new region to explore. Additionally, a street event and exclusive content for players have been added. Below are all the details.


New Region: Midtown Harbour (East)

The new region, Midtown Harbour, was once a vital hub in Teardrop. Now, it is a decaying port dominated by nature and inhabited by cranes and abandoned ships. With rusted silos, collapsed warehouses, ruined towers, and looted containers, it is the perfect place for fast jetpack action and endless ambush opportunities.

This will be the ultimate vertical battleground, the forgotten heart of Midtown Harbour.

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First Street Event: Nuestros Diablos

A new group has arrived in the area: Nuestros Diablos. They have set up shop in Midtown Harbour, and let's just say they didn't come for the view. If you want extra loot and rare HEXes, you will have to face them first.

The street gangs are still in the early phase, so some details are expected to be adjusted. Player feedback will be essential to improve the experience.

OTG Pro Content Pack: Nuestros Diablos

Cobra demanded real muscle, and OTG Corp sent cartel killers. If you can’t beat them, join them! Nuestros Diablos is the latest OTG Pro content pack, available now!

As a reminder, the Scump Content Pack will remain available until March 27.

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New Side Mission: Combat DJ

The first-ever side mission in Off The Grid, called Combat DJ, has arrived! Players will compete for control of the DJ booths scattered around the island, gain loot and XP by dominating the zone, and even control the music playing on the booth.

The leading team will be able to choose the music playing, starting with a default song but unlocking more songs through HEXes.

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New Cyberlimb: MaxiGun

One of the new cyberlimbs is the MaxiGun, a heavy cyberarm with impressive firepower. When this arm shoots, you'd better have some speed or you’ll end up in a disaster! This cyberlimb isn't for those seeking subtlety, but its high firepower can be a game-changer in combat.

The MaxiGun can be obtained through the Battle Pass, world loot, and HEXes held by Nuestros Diablos.

Note: The chance of getting the MaxiGun, both from HEXes and world loot, has been temporarily increased in the coming days. Enjoy!

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Battle Pass Update – Pages 2 & 3 Unlocked

With the latest Battle Pass update, two new pages have been unlocked. It's time to complete new challenges, Zeroes! This update includes the MaxiGun, the Pacifist character set, and the OTG Pro Loyalty Reward: the Inferno skin for the Kestrel Sniper.

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Movement and Jetpack Rework

Adjustments have been made to improve movement fluidity, with a faster mantling system, improved strafing, and a more intuitive overall control. Jetpacks now offer more flexibility in altitude, but an overheating mechanic has been added to balance gameplay.

Pay attention to the visual and audio cues indicating that the jetpack is about to overheat. Ignoring them could make your landing much harder.

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New Emotes in the Lobby

The wait in the lobby just got more fun! Players will be able to use the Emote Wheel to perform moves while waiting for their squadmates. You can access this option by pressing H or the right D-Pad.

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Matchmaking Update

To improve the experience for new players, bots have been introduced, allowing beginners to learn the game systems without pressure in their first two matches.

This bot system is still in its early stages, and adjustments are being made based on player feedback.

Other Improvements and Fixes

Several improvements and fixes have been added, such as:

  • A new jetpack tutorial to learn how to fly.
  • Onboarding challenges to help new players get familiar with the game systems.
  • Optimized inventory screen for easier use.
  • Improved redeploy stations for better reliability.
  • Optimized VFX for better performance.
  • Improved cyberlimb tooltips.
  • Fixes to hit registration and improved attack animations.
  • Javelina update to allow it to lock onto up to 3 enemies at once, dealing 250 damage to each.
  • Kinetic shield upgrade against melee cyberlimb attacks, causing slight knockback instead of allowing attacks to pass through.






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