Raven Quest: Preparense para el evento de Halloween y la Fase 3.


4 months ago




For those who were not satisfied with RavenQuest Stage 1 and 2, there is good news. Preparations are already underway to enter Phase 3 of the test, which will take place in November, most likely after the Halloween event (October 25-28) ends and its rewards are distributed. Here you will find the relevant information to get ready.

A Deep Look at Tokenomics, Gameplay, and the Future

There are two types of valuable resources in RavenQuest, Gems and $Quest tokens, which can be used to trade for other items:

  • Gems are premium off-chain currencies (they only have value in-game) that are used to purchase items in the RQ store. Gems may not be convertible back to $QUEST because this makes RQ act indirectly as an exchange, which is not allowed on the platforms it is awaiting release.
  • Gems can be traded via P2P transactions for silver (like an order book).
  • Onchain currency: $QUEST tokens. These tokens can be used to purchase gems (they can also be purchased directly with fiat currency).
  • Money raised from fiat purchases will go into a treasury that will be used for in-game rewards, tournament rewards, $QUEST buybacks, etc.
  • Utility to $QUEST: It is expected that it can be used to purchase items in the RQ store at a discounted price. Another idea being explored is staking or holding $QUEST to get a discount on gem purchases.

A new proposed model for earning $QUEST tokens:

Knighter proposes what he calls a "stamina bar," which will be attached to Ravencards that scale with their rarity. Cards placed in a collection of sorts can be "used up" to wear them down with various activities, be it hunting, combat, farming, etc. As you deplete the bar, you get $QUEST . This is intended to not force players to play a predetermined game, but rather to allow them to explore Raven Quest in their own way.

What's coming in Phase 3?

  • The most important thing to note is that phase 3 is only for in-game cosmetics, there are no token airdrops.
  • Respective changes to Aether Rift, Echo progression, etc. are coming.
  • PvP tournament coming soon.
  • RQ will be released independently, but they are also working on releasing it on Epic.
  • Possible collaborations with other games, perhaps in the form of skins (pixel-like with their NFT integration)
  • A new rideable creature with a raptor appearance
  • A big surprise that adds variety to characters and battle styles: 2 new archetypes, Ballistic (gunpowder-like damage and support) and Naturalist (melee magic user with group and solo buffs). With this, 64 new classes emerge!
  • Rewards: 11,500 players will also receive $QUEST token packs with up to 2000 $QUEST if they didn't make the leaderboard, depending on their amount of gold. These are just teasers that have been revealed in the various AMA spaces. However, full information will be available before we officially start. ### Harvest Eve: The Halloween Event This is a surprise from the RQ team for the community, it is a game stage of only 3 days in which no progress will affect the central line of the airdrop, players should only focus on exploring the map in search of surprises (none of the changes for phase 3 will be included):
  • Player titles
  • Exclusive rewards, NFT cosmetics unique to this event that can be used permanently in the game.
  • Special Harvest Eve supply bag, the most important loot of this event.
What rewards will these supplies give?

When opening a supply bag, you may find Harvest Coins inside, which can be exchanged with a woman NPC who will be wandering around the RQ map. The exchanges she offers are:

  • Harvest Eve Pumpkin (Home Decor NFT)
  • Harvest Eve Scarecrow (Home Decor NFT)
  • Candy Collection: There are a variety of candies, which will be consumable and will give a 10% damage boar on a specific creature family.
Harvest Eve Titles:

What would an MMORPG like RQ be without titles, so every player will be able to unlock these: Spooktastic - Log in at least once during the event period to get this ghoulish title. Sweet Tooth - Eat at least one of each type of Harvest Eve candy to unlock this candy-themed title. Daily Screamer - Log in for 2 days during the event to claim this title for dedicated ghost hunters. Pumpkin Lord - Collect 500 Harvest Coins to get this Pumpkin King title.

Twitch Rewards

As if all the rewards that can be obtained in-game during the event weren't enough, all members of the community will be able to receive an incentive for watching their favorite content creators on Twitch, these are the prizes:

  • Raven Packs
  • Kolmes Pumplock (home decoration)

Get ready for this spooky encounter in RavenQuest and its phase 3!





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