Axie Infinity Classic


Collect, fight, and win with your adorable and fierce Axies. Come and enjoy this virtual online world.

Axie Classic is a version of the game Axie Infinity that seeks to recreate and celebrate the original roots and initial experience of the Axie universe. This classic iteration focuses on offering players gameplay and features that evoke the nostalgia and charm of the early days of the game. It is an opportunity for both Axie Infinity veterans and new players alike to explore or relive what made Axie Infinity a phenomenon, while immersing themselves in an environment that captures the original essence of the game.

Axies for Axie Infinity: Classic

Although you can use the Axies you use in Origins to play Axie Classic, the goal in Classic is completely different because the card effects and mechanics are different. Axies that are good in Origins may not be as synergistic in Axie Classic. To view your Axies, click the Sync Axie button on the Axies page.

Note: There are no initial Axies in Axie Classic, so you need to have 3 personal/NFT Axies to play Axie Classic.

Axie Classic - Adventure Mode

Adventure Mode is a space for strategic exploration. As players traverse the various landscapes, they encounter a variety of opponents with unique strengths and weaknesses. This diversity requires adaptive strategies, driving players to experiment with different combinations of Axies and tactics. Each battle becomes a canvas for strategic exploration, allowing players to perfect their approaches.

Team Optimization

Customizing an effective team of Axies is an art in Adventure Mode. Players must consider the synergy between the Axies, their abilities, and how they complement each other in battle. The

The ability to customize and evolve the team adds a layer of personalization, allowing players to adapt their strategies to overcome increasingly formidable enemies.

Evolving Challenges

As players progress in Adventure Mode, challenges evolve, ensuring a continuous sense of excitement and achievement. The game adapts to the player's skill level, providing a personalized and dynamic gaming experience that remains engaging from start to finish.

Progression in Adventure

In Adventure mode, you will progress through 36 stages with your Axies. The number of stars you earn in each stage is based on how many Axies you have alive when completing it.

  • Three stars: Complete the stage with all three Axies alive.
  • Two stars: Complete the stage with two Axies alive.
  • One star: Complete the stage with one Axie alive.

Unlocking Rewards

From experience points that strengthen Axies to precious in-game assets, successful navigation of Adventure Mode ensures that players are duly rewarded for their efforts. By completing up to stage 10 in Adventure Mode, users can earn 1 Ticket for the Cursed Coliseum. These tickets are daily rewards, with a limit of 1 ticket per day.

Axie Classic - Gold

Get a handful of shiny gold coins! Gold has joined the party as a new off-chain resource. You will use gold to enter the Cursed Coliseum. If you want to play some matches in the Cursed Coliseum, you will first need to earn some gold.

How to earn gold

  • Win a match in the Arena.
  • Get the chance to earn a Gold Chest.
  • Open the chest to find gold inside.

**Important Note: The process of opening chests has been slightly modified. Only one can be opened at a time.

unlocking one chest at a time. Once the timer to unlock a chest expires, the countdown for the next chest unlock will begin.

Guilds in Axie Classic

Guilds in Axie Classic are communities created by players within the game, designed to encourage collaboration and strategic gameplay. These guilds allow players to join and work together, share knowledge, resources, and strategies, and form friendships within the Axie Infinity universe. Through guilds, players can coordinate their efforts to achieve common goals, participate in special events and tournaments, and enjoy a more enriching and social gaming experience.

Cursed Coliseum in Axie Classic

The Cursed Coliseum is a combat arena where players can face powerful enemies and other players in epic battles. It is known for its difficulty and the unique rewards it offers to those who manage to overcome its challenges.

Modes of the Cursed Coliseum

  • Normal CC: Normal CC is the default option where you will need to pay with gold coins as an entry fee.

  • Premium CC: The excitement intensifies with the Premium Cursed Coliseum. Players can access the Premium Cursed Coliseum by paying with SLP instead of gold coins. The potential rewards? Up to 1,000 SLP if you achieve a flawless streak of 7-0.

Note: A portion of the entry fee in SLP will be burned, while the rest will go towards a growth fund, supporting rewards and sustaining the game.


The Cursed Coliseum is more than just a name for a game mode: there are real curses in the Coliseum! These chaotic curses will elevate theory, team composition, and overall strategies to the next level. Be careful, be brave, and make sure to

Read how curses work below.

Session Rules

  • With each paid entry fee, a player can play for 1 session.
  • Trainers cannot change the axies in their team during the session.
  • Only the axies present in the trainer's Ronin wallet address before 00:00 UTC of that day are eligible.
  • Once the trainer loses 2 times or wins 7 times, the session will end.
  • The trainer must complete the session within 5 days. Otherwise, they will lose all pending rewards.

Pre-match Rules

This is where the magic twist comes in. Before each queue in the coliseum, one of the trainer's axies will be cursed. To better understand the essence of the Cursed Coliseum, let's see how cursed cards work:

  • One axie from the trainer's team will be randomly chosen.
  • Two parts of that axie will be cursed.
  • The trainer has to replace the 2 cursed parts of that axie randomly.
  • For each part, players have a couple of options to replace the parts.
  • The replaced cards will remain replaced until you finish the session.

Note: Replaced cursed cards could be cursed again in the following matches.


The rewards of the Cursed Coliseum are distributed at the end of each session, where each victory will guarantee 150 AXP per axie and gold rewards if you finish the session within the 5-day rule. Finishing the coliseum with 7 victories could earn you additional rewards!


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