Airdrops Solana: February

Yujuuu01 | OLA

2 months ago




Although there are several Airdrops throughout each month, in this article, we will mention those that are already confirmed for February and how to qualify.


A trading bot on Telegram for the Solana blockchain. Once the bot is initiated, users can find a referral panel, and soon they plan to have weekly competitions with rewards.

Earn points for the airdrop:

Users earn 1 point for every $1 in volume, which will then be converted into $NOVA tokens.

Huma Finance

An innovative platform designed to revolutionize payment financing through blockchain technology and stablecoins. In 2024, it is the fastest-growing, with on-chain transactions exceeding $3B. The team raised $38M in Series A and plans to launch a token on the LFG Jupiter launchpad.

  • Staking pool:

    A group of participants combining their resources to increase their chances of validating blocks and receiving rewards in a blockchain network.

How to earn points for the Airdrop:

• Join Huma Finance • Connect the Solana Wallet • Choose the pool


It is a staking pool that supports community-focused validators. Earlier this year, the team announced the launch of a token in Q1 2025, indicating that the airdrop might take place in a few weeks.

To participate:

Visit the website The Vault on Solana, stake SOL in vSOL LST, and then make a deposit.


It is a protocol offering a decentralized exchange (DEX) experience. It has a Swap aggregator through which users can earn points. The team has confirmed a 5% total supply airdrop, and the launch of the SBT token seems close.

Accumulate points for the airdrop:

There are three ways to accumulate points, depending on the type of pool (stable/weighted):

  • Execute swaps: 5/10 points per equivalent USD value swapped.
  • Deposit liquidity: 50/100 points per equivalent USD value per day.
  • Create a pool and deposit liquidity: 70/140 points per equivalent USD value per day.

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tags: seoestudio de contenidoaidropsfebreronovaTradingtelegramblockchainsolanareferidoscompetenciasrecompensaspuntostokenshuma financefinanciamiento de pagostecnología blockchainstablecoinstransacciones en cadenaserie atokenlaunchpad lfg jupitercartera de solanapool de stakingvsolvalidadorescomunidadsemanassitio webthe vault on solanastakedepósitostabbleorgprotocolointercambio descentralizadodexagregador de swaptoken sbtacumular puntosswapsliquidez del depósitocrear un grupotatsumeeko77-bitabstract

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