¡Alistate para reclamar el airdrop de Nyan Heroes!


5 months ago




Nyan Heroes Airdrop 3 is just around the corner!

Did you participate in Nyan Heroes Pre-Alpha 3? It's time to claim the rewards from the third airdrop that $Nyan is giving to players who have reached at least 2000 MEOW points in total by September 25.

What are the eligibility criteria?

In addition to the 2000 MEOW points, each player must meet two more conditions before September 25:

  • Have linked the Epic Games account
  • Have the solana wallet linked You can check the eligibility and the points reached directly here

NFT Genesis Nyan or Genesis Guardian provide multipliers

MEOW multipliers are the key! Each Genesis Nyan or Genesis Guardian NFT provides a percentage to multiply the airdrop reward, this will depend on the rarity of the NFT, however it should be remembered that the percentages do not add up, they will only be based on the highest rarity. * Nyan Genesis NFT:

  • Common — 1.25x
  • Uncommon: 1.5x
  • Rare — 2x
  • Ultra Rare: 2.5x
  • Legendary — 3x
  • Guardian Genesis NFT
  • Common — 1.1x
  • Uncommon: 1.2x
  • Rare — 1.3x
  • Ultra Rare: 1.4x
  • Legendary — 1.5x Likewise, this percentage will not be directly reflected in the balance and will only be useful if the Nyan portal mission was completed and owned the NFTs during the capture on September 25. The allocation of $NYAN will reflect the MEOW points multiplied during the claim period.

How to claim?

It is important to make sure that it is done with the same Solana wallet with which the MEOW points were earned, with this of course, you only have to follow these 4 steps:

  • Enter the Official Mission Portal .
  • Log in to your account.
  • Go to the Claims Portal by clicking on the menu on the left.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to claim the $NYAN tokens. It is necessary to prepare the wallet with at least 0.05 Solana, approximately $7 at today's price, to avoid inconveniences in case of network congestion.

MEOW points conversion rate

There will be two types of calculations, one general that is reflected as follows:

  • 1 MEOW point = 0.007515 $NYAN tokens. Another specific for the best players who reached the leaderboard:
  • 1 MEOW point = 0.0062 $NYAN tokens. This gives an approximate of 133 MEOW points = 1 $NYAN token. Both allocations will be shown together on the claims portal on October 9.

The total amount of Nyan tokens that were earned can be seen only on Tuesday, October 8th on the official claim page.

Claim Schedule:

Claims will be open from Wednesday, October 9th at 13:00 UTC to Wednesday, October 23rd at 13:00 UTC. Anything not claimed will be returned to the community fund.

If you need help in the process, Nyan Heroes will offer help directly from their official discord

Don't miss out on the rewards from this great play to airdrop!





And find out the latest news


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