Desvela el tesoro de Seedworld: ¡Descubre cómo obtener tus $SWORLD!


7 months ago




Your Seedworld adventure starts here! Complete guide to earning $SWORLD and building your empire

Great news for Seedworld fans! The $SWORLD token launch is coming up and with it, the opportunity to earn rewards. This guide will help you understand how to participate and get your tokens.

What is Seedworld?

Seedworld is a multiplayer survival game with base building, raiding, and full loot PvP mechanics. It also integrates Web3 elements through its $SWORLD token.

How to get $SWORLD?

There are two main ways to obtain $SWORLD:

  1. Burning $SNFTS tokens:
  • If you are a holder of $SNFTS tokens (received by $SFUND holders at the end of 2022), you can burn them to obtain $SWORLD in return.
  • The exchange rate is 1:1, meaning you receive one $SWORLD for every $SNFTS you burn.
  • There is a lock-up period: 25% of the obtained $SWORLD is unlocked at the token launch (TGE) and the remaining 75% is released over a period of 4 months.
  1. Early Burn Bonus:
  • If you burn your $SNFTS within the first 14 days after the burn dashboard is launched, you will receive a bonus.
  • This bonus is 1% of the total $SWORLD supply and is distributed among all early burn participants.
  • Unlike the regular burn, the bonus is fully released in the TGE.

How to participate in the burn?

To burn your $SNFTS and get $SWORLD, you need to follow these steps:

  • Wait for the Seedworld Burn Dashboard to launch.
  • Go to the dashboard and check the amount of $SNFTS you own and can burn.
  • Enter the amount of $SNFTS you wish to burn and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Once confirmed, you will be able to see:
  • Your early burn bonus participation percentage.
  • The amount of $SWORLD you can claim from the 1:1 exchange (subject to lock-up period).
  • The total amount of $SNFTS you have burned.
  • The total $SNFTS burned by all participants.

What is $SWORLD for?

$SWORLD is the main token of the Seedworld ecosystem and will be used to:
  • Purchase in-game items (lands, NFTs, cosmetics).
  • Upgrade your lands and nodes.
  • Participate in seasonal leaderboards to earn tokens, NFTs, and skins.

Where can I find more information?

Don't miss this chance to be part of Seedworld and get rewarded with $SWORLD!





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