¡Grandes novedades y actualizaciones estan por llegar a Pixels! AMA 30/10


4 months ago




Exciting Updates and News

The AMA on October 30th that Luke and Heidi always give was full of surprises, from the time it was done, the place where it was given (the Binance event), to the announcement of the new updates that are coming and continue to transform the pixel meta.

Game Updates and Improvements

The next few weeks will bring with them a series of exciting changes for Pixels:

  • New game mechanics: New recipes and features will be introduced in the Winery industry, such as cross-pollination, that is, needing another industry to create glass bottles and thus, create wines.
  • Additionally, players will have a new challenge with rewards thanks to the new merchant ships, where Pixels can be obtained as in the TB, but also pets and NFT lands can be earned and the focus will be on high-level items.
  • Balance improvements: Adjustments will be made to energy levels and resource requirements for tasks, with the aim of creating a more balanced and rewarding gaming experience. Currently, more rewards are obtained with fewer tasks, but they involve greater activity within the game, it is no longer just buying items and turning the TB.
  • The limit of industries per land will be implemented again (it is not yet known what the new maximum will be).
  • Greater focus on the community: New features will be implemented to encourage interaction between players, such as improved Guild Wars and more frequent events (taking the Halloween event as a positive reference).
  • Fighting against bots: Pixels continues to insist on a constant fight against bots, making it clear that in the web3 ecosystem, they are not beneficial, since the rewards could be diluted and what is sought is to reward real players.
  • Focus on quality of life: With the arrival of new users, the need to facilitate the quality of life of players is evident, from the basic aspect of logging in, to slightly more complex issues for people new to the blockchain world, such as depositing the token to the game.

What does the future hold for Pixels?

In this AMA, an ambitious vision was shared that involves a total transformation of the game as it is known, but this will only come in chapter 3 and 4:

  • New game mechanics: New game mechanics such as dungeons and caverns will be explored, adding greater depth and complexity to the game.
  • Greater integration with the ecosystem: New ways to connect Pixels with other projects in the Ronin ecosystem will be sought.
  • Focus on user experience: Work will be done to improve the user interface and ease of use of the game, especially for new players.

Key Questions and Answers

  • How will reputation affect players? Reputation will play an increasingly important role in the game, unlocking new opportunities and rewards for the most active and reliable players. But specific details of how it works cannot be shared, so that there is no way to game the system, as was done in Chapter 1.
  • Will there be more opportunities to earn PIXEL? New ways of distributing PIXEL are being worked on, including the possibility of obtaining PIXEL through special events and missions, as has already been the case, but this time, with greater recurrence. Remember that next week, merchant ships will arrive.
  • What is being done to combat bots? New measures are being implemented to detect and ban bots, as well as to improve the reputation system to identify legitimate players.
  • Landowners buy land and participate in the PIXEL economy, so do you have a plan to reward them a little more? VIP was a big step in the right direction There's a bit of resource progression that needs to be worked out. But there's one feature that's likely to be released next week: reputation will play a bigger role.

The future of Pixels is looking stronger and brighter, the commitment from the team is clear, even expanding the people they work with, thus giving the community a number of exciting updates on the horizon. In addition, they remain committed to listening to the community and creating an increasingly fun and rewarding gaming experience.

See you in Terra Villa!





And find out the latest news


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