Introducing "Spectre Divide" - New Shooters Game


8 months ago




Mountaintop recently revealed its innovative shooting game Spectre Divide and will now launch a closed beta of the game on August 13th.

The closed beta version will be developed from August 13 at 5:00 p.m., Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), until August 22 at 1:00 a.m., UTC, on Steam. Players can earn invitations through Twitch Drops and can also request access on the Steam store page for the game.


It is a 3v3 multiplayer tactical shooting game, designed for PC. With a unique twist: your specter. You start the game with a twin, a virtual self, in the same match. And you can switch bodies during the match and use your twin to maneuver and flank your enemies. You get the benefit of one mind, two bodies, said CEO Nate Mitchell, co-founder of Oculus, in a game preview. That's duality.


The company started in 2020 and the game has been in development for four years. It raised 30 million dollars and then disappeared into the ether. Many attended the online preview event to be among the first to play the game. Mitchell, CEO of Mountaintop, said he was excited to showcase the game.

"During the last four years, we have been dreaming of this moment," said Mitchell. "It has been a true labor of love. We are eager to hear what you think."

Mitchell said that the team of approximately 70 developers are super fans of shooting games, such as PvP extraction games. They made the game with the help of creators like Shroud.


Lee Horn, game director of Spectre Divide, was previously the product lead for Apex Legends at Respawn Entertainment and also worked at Riot Games on Valorant. He has also been playing Counter-Strike since the days of its beta version and has dedicated thousands of hours to the game. This makes him a lifelong fan of shooters.

"This game is a love letter to the tech shooter community. We are very excited to show you Spectre Divide today. The game is powered by a new feature we call duality, which we believe will greatly evolve the genre and bring some new and exciting magic."


You can throw a disc to a position on an upper floor and then press a key to switch your body from the lower floor to animate your second body at the location where you threw the disc. The enemy may think you are still on the ground and then you can flank and ambush them from above. If one of your bodies receives mortal damage in the match, you will respawn in the second body. If you lose that second body, you will be eliminated from the round.





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