Kigu: Super Champs Universe's First AI Agent


2 months ago




Super Champs Universe (SCU) has launched its first autonomous artificial intelligence (AI) agent: Kigu. This character now streams live video games for more than 600,000 followers on Twitch, YouTube, and TikTok.

The integration of AI agents is a step in the evolution of SCU, which seeks to strengthen the connection between its characters and the audience. Animated videos on TikTok and YouTube have allowed millions of users to learn about the Super Champs universe and its mobile games.

Kigu's AI Agent Functionality

Kigu interacts with fans through livestreams and gaming commentary. He currently streams SCU platform shooter "Bullet League." His involvement seeks to enhance the interaction between audiences and in-game content.

Kigu offers unparalleled entertainment and fan connection, redefining the way audiences experience games and creating an innovative bridge between gamers and games.

Projection of AI Agents in SCU

SCU plans to introduce new AI agents specialized in different genres of content. Additionally, Kigu may expand his streams to other games. The expansion of this ecosystem will be supported by the use of the $CHAMP token to access AI infrastructure and hire agents for sponsored content.

Studios interested in having Kigu stream their games can contact SCU at [email protected] to coordinate integrations with the artificial intelligence SDK. This option offers studios the possibility of presenting their games to an audience of more than 600,000 followers.

This last, thanks to the fact that Kigu is already under the magnifying glass of fans of the SCU franchise, since followers have found in this agent someone who allows them to delve even deeper into the video game experience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

New agents using SCU's IP and technology infrastructure will also need $CHAMP to get up and running, which will expand the utility of the token and add value to the entire ecosystem.

Super Champs Universe Insights

The launch of Kigu marks a strategic step for SCU in integrating AI technology. This advancement not only diversifies the ways of interacting with the community, but also positions SCU as a benchmark in the adoption of innovations within the Web3 ecosystem.

The implementation of AI agents opens up new opportunities to create more immersive experiences, attract different audience segments, and strengthen the ecosystem through the use of the $CHAMP token. In the long term, SCU seeks to establish itself as a diverse platform where technology and entertainment can meet.






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