Kokodi Arena: Play-to-Airdrop in its First Season


2 months ago




Season 1 of Kokodi Arena has arrived with an exciting proposal for NFT holders. Through a gameplay campaign called "Play-to-Airdrop," players will be able to accumulate points, compete in challenging game modes, and have the opportunity to win $KOKO tokens, rare NFT masks, and other prizes. Below, we tell you everything you need to know to participate.

What is Kokodi Arena?

Kokodi Arena is a third-person fantasy extraction shooter, available on HyperPlay. This web3 game combines elements of strategic combat and exploration, allowing players to immerse themselves in a universe full of challenges and rewards.

In this first season, Kokodi Arena introduces a ranking system based on Play Points (PP), where each action in the game, such as kills, captures, and victories, contributes to the player's score. The points accumulated at the end of the season can be converted into $KOKO tokens or used to acquire items within the game's ecosystem.

Game Modes

Kokodi Arena offers two main modes this season:

Extraction Royale

A mode that mixes extraction mechanics and Battle Royale. Players must collect loot and escape through portals, facing demons and other players. Each portal has unpredictable effects, adding a level of risk and strategy to the game.

Team Arena

A competitive 4v4 mode inspired by the arena from Escape from Tarkov. Teams fight to capture points and survive in fast and dynamic rounds. Winning requires skill, teamwork, and strategy.

What is the $KOKO token?

The $KOKO token is an ERC20 asset on the Avalanche network, designed to boost the game economy. It offers a 10% discount on in-game purchases and can be acquired by converting Play Points at the end of each season.

How to join Season 1

To participate, you need to own a KOKODI NFT, a mask, or a Lootbox. These assets are available on platforms like OpenSea, Blur, and Sphere. Once in possession of an NFT, download Kokodi Arena from HyperPlay and start accumulating Play Points during the daily sessions from 18:00 to 20:00 UTC.


The first season of Kokodi Arena offers a unique experience for NFT holders, with the opportunity to win significant rewards while enjoying strategic and competitive gameplay. If you have a Kokodi NFT, don't miss the chance to be part of this exciting adventure on HyperPlay. Join now and showcase your skills in this Play-to-Airdrop campaign.





And find out the latest news


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