Legends of Venari: Participate in daily missions and earn valuable rewards in this exciting adventure game


7 months ago




Legends of Venari has begun its highly anticipated gameplay testing phase, inviting players to embark on a journey through a mysterious realm filled with powerful creatures known as Venari. This strategic game challenges players to explore diverse landscapes, capture Venari, and participate in crucial missions for their advancement and victory. More about: Legends of Venari

The game transports players to an enigmatic world where the main objective is to capture and train formidable creatures called Venari. To succeed, players must employ strategic tactics to capture Venari using baits, traps, and precise timing. Once captured, Venari can be trained and leveled up, enhancing their effectiveness in combat. Efficient resource management is crucial as players overcome challenges such as energy and inventory limitations..

Details About the Gameplay Test

Participating in the open gameplay test is very simple. Interested players can visit the designated gameplay test website to create a test game account. Currently available exclusively for PC players, the gameplay test offers a preview of the game mechanics and provides the opportunity to provide feedback before the official game launch.

During the gameplay test, the

Players can immerse themselves in various activities:

Faction mission lines: collaborate with characters like Professor Oswald and faction leaders to advance essential story missions.

Side missions: explore different regions of the game world while earning additional rewards and familiarizing yourself with the complexities of the game.

Daily missions: participate in daily tasks from various game characters to earn coveted rewards, such as Airdrop fragments, valuable for future gameplay.

What are Airdrop fragments?

Airdrop fragments serve as valuable rewards during gameplay testing and can be acquired by completing daily missions, crafting items from rare Venari objects, defeating rare Venari in battles, or gathering resources worldwide. It is recommended to store these rewards in a secure in-game storage to protect the hard-earned progress.

Final thoughts

As the gameplay testing progresses, developers are preparing to introduce exciting updates to enhance the Legends of Venari experience. Upcoming features include Venari Ascension, which allows the minting of Venari for unique benefits, and an expanded progression system that allows for greater customization of creatures and unlocking of new abilities.

After gameplay testing, developer feedback obtained from player comments will guide further improvements. The process will culminate in a token generation event and the official release of Legends of Venari to the public. For more information on how to participate in the Legends of Venari gameplay testing, check out the official announcement here.

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