MapleStory Universe: Win the Most Anticipated Game at the GAM3 Awards 2024


4 months ago




At the prestigious GAM3 Awards 2024, MapleStory Universe was recognized as the "Most Anticipated Game". This award highlights the impact of the franchise on the industry and the expectation generated by its upcoming release, which combines modern mechanics and blockchain technology to offer a renewed experience.

The recognition as the most anticipated game

The "Most Anticipated Game" category rewards titles that generate the most excitement before their release. MapleStory Universe emerged as the favorite, attracting both loyal followers of the saga and a new generation of players interested in its renewed approach.

This distinction not only highlights the relevance of the franchise, but also the interest in its adaptation to current industry trends, maintaining a balance between tradition and technological advances.

An evolving legacy

Since its launch in 2003, MapleStory has captivated millions of players with its distinctive design and accessible mechanics, accumulating more than 250 million users globally and generating revenues exceeding 5 billion dollars.

With MapleStory Universe, Nexpace, the blockchain division of Nexon, aims to expand the reach of the game's universe. This new project uses emerging technologies to offer an enriched experience, backed by a collaboration with Avalanche that ensures a solid and adaptable infrastructure for a vibrant ecosystem.

Digital ownership and participatory economy

One of the highlights of

MapleStory Universe is the implementation of NFTs as the basis for the game economy. These allow players to have full control over their items, trade them freely, and use them in a decentralized marketplace.

Instead of relying on traditional premium stores, the title introduces a system focused on achievements and missions, encouraging active player participation and offering rewards for their efforts within the virtual universe.

In addition, tools like Navigator and Explorer enhance the experience by facilitating tracking of activity on the blockchain and discovering the unique features of digital assets, promoting a greater connection with the community.

Ecosystem and main elements

The MapleStory Universe integrates various applications designed to enrich the player experience, including:

  • MapleStory N: A version that updates the classic game by integrating blockchain, maintaining the characteristic 2D side-scrolling of the franchise.
  • Marketplace: A space for the free exchange of NFTs that eliminates real money purchases, fostering an economy driven by participation.
  • Missions: A system that promotes exploration and the continuous growth of the universe.
  • Explorer and Navigator: Tools that enhance interaction with digital assets and allow monitoring of chain activity. These components offer players a cohesive ecosystem that combines customization, accessibility, and rewards based on individual progress.


The recognition of MapleStory Universe as the "Most Anticipated Game" at the GAM3 Awards 2024 reflects the lasting impact of the franchise and the interest in its new proposal. By adapting its legacy to trends contemporary MMORPGs, this title positions itself as a reference, standing out for offering an attractive and well-designed experience. MapleStory Universe promises to become a key piece within online games, attracting both veterans and new players.





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