¡No te lo pierdas! Barney's Bazaarn Blitz: El evento que revolucionará Pixels


6 months ago




What is Barney's Bazaarn Blitz?

It's the new event in Pixels where players work three 5-minute shifts at Barney's Bazaarn, Barney's order shop.

It has two main parts:

  • Downtime: Players prepare items for the shop, this is time outside of 5-minute shifts.
  • Active Shifts: Players fulfill as many customer orders as possible during their shift.
The goal is to run the shop efficiently by preparing items and serving customers quickly.

It's a single-player event focused on time management and task completion.

What is the Barney's Bazaarn Blitz Pre-Quest?

It's a mini-quest called "Barney's Bazaarn Position Decision" that prepares you for the main event. By completing the Pre-Quest, you can:

  • Get a fun new outfit to wear in-game.
  • Receive additional Gacha Tickets for the Gacha Machine.
  • Gacha Machine Rewards

How do I complete it?

  • Go to Barney's Bazaarn and talk to Barney, he will activate the Barney's Bazaarn Position Decision quest.
  • You will have to select which rank to take, each with a different cost in pixels (be careful, once you select one, you cannot change it)
  • Buy your position by clicking on Barney again, he will offer you the service.
  • Once you have bought the item, you will have to talk to Tina, who will give you 20 passes for the Gacha!
  • With this, the previous mission will be active, do not forget that the Golen Blitz are the most valuable and should be saved for the end of the event, to participate for incredible prizes!

There are more than 50 types of incredible rewards that you can win in the Gacha machine!

These rewards include:

  • Extra turns for the Barney's Bazaarn Blitz main event.
  • Fully crafted crates containing useful items.
  • Energy drinks to boost your in-game performance.
  • Decorative items and wallpapers to personalize your space in Pixels Online.

One of the most coveted prizes in the Gacha machine are Gold Grand Prize Tickets!

These tickets can be redeemed AFTER the main event for rare and exciting items such as:
Pets to accompany you on your Pixels Online adventure!

NFT Lands, virtual plots of land that you can own and develop!

New shoes to style your avatar!

Contracts and Reputation Points

Please note that all contracts you purchase during the Pre-Quest grant the same amount of reputation points.

The exact details on how reputation points are used will be announced soon.

Forced "Maintenance"

As is often the case when an update or change is made to the game's meta, there are always bugs, and this case was no exception.

This time, users were kicked out of the game, but they kept appearing in-game and therefore could not log back in.

In light of this, a restart was necessary to fix the bugs. Hopefully there won't be any more setbacks in this pre-event, or the one to come.

Take part in the Pre-Quest and get ready to take on the Barney's Bazaarn Blitz main event!





And find out the latest news


barney's bazaarn blitzeventoPixelsjugadorestiendapedidostiempo de inactividadturnos activosadministrar la tiendagestión del tiempofinalización de tareaspre-questmini misiónbarney's bazaarn position decisionatuendo divertidoboletos de gachamáquina gacharecompensasgolen blitzpremios increíblestipos de recompensascajasbebidas energéticasobjetos decorativosfondos de pantallaboletos gold grand prizemascotastierras nftzapatos nuevoscontratospuntos de reputaciónmantenimiento forzosofallosreinicioevento principal

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