What's New in Wild Forest - New Unit Coming January 17


2 months ago




English Translation

With the start of 2025, Wild Forest aims to establish itself as one of the leading games in the Web3 space. To achieve this, a comprehensive plan has been designed, combining an extensive marketing campaign with critical balance updates, fixes to existing issues, and the introduction of new game modes and features.

Below are the key features and updates prioritized for the upcoming months.

Highlighted Updates

Ranking and Rewards System.

The team is working to fix and optimize the ranking system to improve competitiveness. One of the most notable changes is the introduction of direct rewards in $WF tokens for players in higher divisions, while lower divisions will receive resources to improve their decks.

Unit Updates.

  1. Changes.
  • Fragments can now be exchanged for new units.
  • Additionally, all players will be able to mint units through the $WF token. Plans are underway to enable renting units via the same token.
  1. New Unit.
  • Inker is the new unit designed as a counter-strategy against flying units.

  • Early Launch: January 17, 2025. It will be available for active players and Lords owners, who will have early access 10 days before its inclusion in the Battle Pass on January 27.

  • Requirements: 20 fragments are required to obtain Inker.

3D Model of the New Character


New Game Modes.

The PvE mode and expeditions will introduce new strategic experiences for both casual and dedicated players:

  • PvE Mode: Designed as a relaxed alternative to competitive PvP, this mode will include scenarios like multiplayer raids and cooperative survivals, attracting new players while keeping veterans engaged.

  • Expeditions: This new casual game mode will allow players to send units on dangerous missions to earn valuable rewards.

Trophy Road Rewards.

Trophy Road progression will be redesigned to facilitate content unlocking and offer clear incentives. At the same time, obtained fragments can be used to acquire new units.

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More Changes

  • Expeditions: A new casual mode where units go on missions for valuable rewards.

  • Re-roll Perks: A feature to re-roll unit perks using $WF.

  • Staking Multiplier for Lords: Lords owners will receive additional benefits for staking.

  • Elixirs, Ingredients, and Crafting: Introduction of consumable items and a crafting system.

  • Game Engine Update: Optimized engine for improved stability and reduced lag.

  • Battle Pass Rebalancing: Adjustments to incentives to make progression appealing to everyone.

  • Support for Private Battles and Tournaments: Players can now organize private battles and local tournaments.

  • Arcade Mode: Restructured with a training environment and competitive rankings for Free-to-Play.

  • Direct Login with Ronin Wallet.

  • NFT Skins Utility: Additional features for NFT Skins to increase their demand.

  • DAO Voting System: A voting system for the community to participate in game decisions.

Wild Forest seeks to build this future together with its community. If you believe any feature should be prioritized, you can join the discussions on their official Discord server.






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wild forestjuegosweb3marketingactualizacionesbalancecorreccionesmodos de juegocaracterísticassistema de clasificaciónrecompensastokens $wfjugadoresdivisionesrecursosmazosunidadesfragmentosmintear unidadesrentar unidadesinkercontraestrategiaunidades voladoraslanzamiento anticipadoacceso anticipadopase de batallarequisitosmodelo 3dnuevos modos de juegopveexpedicionestrophy roadprogresióncontenidoincentivosre-roll de mejorasperksmultiplicador de stakinglordselixiresingredientescrafteomotor del juegolagreequilibriobatallas privadastorneosmodo arcadefree-to-playronin walletnft de skinsdemandasistema de votación daocomunidaddiscord

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