Oportunidad única en BattleRise: Minteo de libros NFT y Campeones espacieles ¡Gratis!


5 months ago




What is BattleRise?

It is a mobile RPG-style game, set in a fantasy world where the goal is to prevent the kingdoms from falling to the chaos of Tiamat (the god of death) and her horde. Here, players can choose the champion they want (with 7 possible options), collect valuable artifacts, and trade between players to create distinctive loot.


BattleRise offers three playstyles that allow players to choose how to save the world from Tiamat, from exploring a story-driven world, to facing other players in exciting PvP encounters.

  • Story Mode: Players will take the place of one of the main characters to explore and learn about the history of all the places, artifacts and champions of EOS, the world they try to protect from Tiamat.
  • PVP Mode: Brawl is the pvp arena where players can face others with the sole purpose of achieving glory and making their name known.
  • Dungeons: Here, various places will be explored in search of legendary loot and epic bonuses. To do so, players must face and defeat the heralds of Tiamat.

Game Seasons

In BattleRise each season lasts a full month, and with each one comes a new theme, special offers in the market to obtain fragments, champions and unique rewards for each season!

Currently the October season "It's a trap" is active, which like all seasons, has two active rewards, one can be obtained only by playing for free in the arena mode and another, is acquired with the Vip BattlePass, which costs $7.60 as of today.

  • Arena reward: In the Arena store you will find a powerful variety of fragments waiting for you at Griffs. Among them, Zephyr, Tharcann, Ursan, Honnari, Fara and Spirit of Nature
  • BattlePass Vip Reward: Players will be able to earn an Ursan (champion) avatar to show power and dedication, as well as the undead Ursan skin.

How to start?

  • Go to the official game page, where you must create an account, validate your email and download.
Download BattleRise

  • Log in to the game, where you will start with a short tutorial that teaches basic things like:
  • A short story about the context
  • How to use champions and their abilities
  • How to attack a certain unit
  • What rewards can you get
  • How to get and add a new champion to your team
  • Once you have completed the tutorial, you must find the player id code in the game (settings, click on get player id and get auth code), to register it on the platform and be able to have full access to the profile from the BattleRise portal, where you earn rewards for inviting friends.
  • With that, all that's left is to enjoy the various styles of play that this fantasy world offers.

Unique opportunity for this month!

Only for this month, each player has the opportunity to mint up to 5 NFT books for free, which if obtained in full, allow you to have Tiamat as a champion for free. To be part of this great fortune, you only have to complete the steps mentioned above to start in the game, together with two more requirements:

  • Connect EVM wallet
  • Mint the first book

Keep these facts in mind for a greater chance of getting all the books:

  • Free resources are provided every day that allow you to level up in the game and improve your equipment.
  • Every 6 days you get the chance to mint a new NFT Book.
  • In case you can't get all 5, players can access the secondary market at Rarible to buy them on the Etherlink network, with the Tezos token (XTZ).
  • The campaign lasts 30 days and started on September 20.

Don't miss this great opportunity to start building your team of champions with one of the best and strongest characters in BattleRise. Remember that it's a game with NFT assets, with an eye on its own token $Battle, which is still in an early stage and has great potential!

Download BattleRise

Free rewards await!





And find out the latest news


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