The OLAGG Community's $500 USD Giveaway - Wilder World


3 months ago




The OLAGG community is hosting a special $500 USD giveaway that you can win by participating in Wilder World’s Landing Quest. Here are all the details on how to participate and have a chance to win.

Don't miss it! The giveaway will be held on January 10th.



A total of 500 $USDC will be raffled among 10 winners, with each winner receiving 50 $USDC.

Winners will be announced across all OLAGG platforms (Discord, social media, etc.). Additionally, they will be contacted via email and Discord message.

How to Participate?

To enter the raffle, all you need to do is earn XP in Wilder World’s Landing Quest. Each 1 XP you earn will grant you 1 ticket for the giveaway.

Example: If you earn 100 XP, you will receive 100 tickets for the raffle.



  • Daily Spin: Spin the wheel daily and earn between 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, or 100 XP.
  • Invite Friends: Earn 1 XP for each friend who registers using your referral code.

  • Daily Visit: Earn 2 XP for logging in daily.
  • Watch the Wilder World Trailer: Earn 10 XP for watching the trailer.
  • Join the Wilder World Discord: Earn 5 XP for joining.
  • RT POST: Earn 10 XP for retweeting the event-related post.

Participate Now!

Remember, this is a unique event for all OLAGG community members. Start earning XP, completing missions, and securing your tickets for the raffle.

The more tickets you accumulate, the higher your chances of winning.




Disqualification and Suspicious Activity

It’s important for all participants to follow the established rules to avoid disqualification. Ola Guild Games reserves the right to disqualify those who exhibit suspicious activity or attempt to gain advantages illicitly. Disqualification decisions will be made at the discretion of Ola Guild Games and are final and unappealable.


Wilder World is an innovative metaverse combining photorealistic technology, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to offer an immersive, decentralized experience. With the goal of creating a self-sustaining virtual nation, Wilder World allows users to participate in and govern this vast universe, where creativity and participation are richly rewarded. Through its digital economy and $WILD token-powered ecosystem, Wilder World seeks to transform interaction within virtual worlds.





And find out the latest news


sorteoolaggwilder worldparticiparganarcomunidadpremiosganadoresxpboletosmisionesgiro diarioinvita a tus amigosvisita diariatráiler de wilder worldunirse al discordrt posteventoticketsacumulardescalificaciónactividad sospechosametaversotecnologíafotorealismointeligencia artificialblockchainexperiencia inmersivadescentralizadanación virtualcreatividadparticipacióneconomía digitaltoken $wildinteracciónmundos virtuales

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