Pixels Reinvents Itself: A Look at What's Coming!


6 months ago




Pixels Reinvents Itself: A Look At What's Coming!

The Pixels team has announced some big changes to the game. Ready to dive into a whole new world? Here are the most exciting details from the recent AMA!

One Game, Endless Possibilities

Complete Rebalancing:

The team has decided it's time for a radical change. The XP, item, and task system will be completely overhauled to offer a more balanced and fun gameplay experience.

New Challenges:

New gameplay systems will be introduced that will make resources more valuable and keep you engaged for longer. Get ready to face challenges never before seen in the meta!

Epic Events:

The first wedding is coming to Pixels, it will be an unforgettable event. Enjoy exclusive outfits, energy parties and much more! And that's not all, Barney's Bazaar will bring you new adventures! (details below)

TB Changes:

A modification to the kitchen tasks is expected to arrive this week, the pixel team is aware of how exhausting they are!

Community and Growth

Telegram Game:

Pixels is exploring new ways to reach more players. A new Telegram Game is on the way!

Live Events:

Events like Barney's Bazaarn are not only fun, but they also help combat coin inflation and distribute rewards more equitably.

A Bright Future:

The team is hard at work on getting Chapter 3 ready soon, which promises to be an epic experience full of new features and content.

Key Questions and Answers

What prizes can I win in Barney's Bazaar?
  • Land, pets, and other valuable items.
How will the shift system work in Barney's Bazaarn?
  • You will have 3 15-minute shifts every 24 hours.
When will the Telegram game be coming?
  • Estimated in 2 weeks.
Will there be a marriage system in the game?

We might see it in the next chapter! Pixels is constantly evolving! With these exciting changes, the future of the game looks brighter than ever. Join the community and be a part of this amazing adventure!

Barney's Bazaarn: A Marketplace of Opportunities!

This new event promises to revolutionize the way we interact with Pixels. Imagine a vibrant marketplace where NPCs are eagerly awaiting you to trade mystery boxes. But what makes this event so special?

Intuitive Gameplay:

While the concept may seem complex, Barney's Bazaar's mechanics are surprisingly simple. Players will have a limited amount of time to serve NPCs and deliver the correct boxes to them. Speed ​​and accuracy will be key to getting the best rewards!

Exclusive Rewards:

In addition to in-game coins and items, Barney's Bazaar will offer exclusive rewards that you can't find anywhere else. I hope you're ready to compete for a land or pet!

What makes Barney's Bazaarn so exciting?

  1. A new level of interaction: For the first time, players will be able to interact directly with NPCs in a meaningful way.
  2. An innovative gameplay system: The mystery box mechanic adds an element of surprise and excitement to the experience.
  3. Attractive rewards: Exclusive rewards will make players strive to achieve the best results.
Remember that this is an individual event

See you at Barney's Bazaarn!





And find out the latest news


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