Pets are the ideal and faithful companion for every Pixels player, allowing them to have certain advantages in the game depending on their skill scores. To acquire them, players can usually access the Mavis Market.
However, from time to time, in events such as THE WINTER CARNIVAL that ended in January, there is the possibility of acquiring small collections of Pets, such as penguins. But is it worth having a pet or can you choose which skills it has? In this article you will find all the relevant information.
Pets can only have three types of skills, which are:
Without a pet, normally each player can take four mines by standing in the center of them. With a pet with a good score in this skill, it can reach 10 or more without having to move.
Strength: Strength, in this case, does directly impact the pet, since the higher its score in this skill, the more storage slots it will have. With a score below 17, it will already have 3 storage slots enabled, ideal for its own needs (food, water and toy).
Luck: This skill has not yet been specifically determined how it affects the player, pet or game mode, since the Pixels team has not provided any statement and it has no notable use within the game.
There are those who stipulate that it helps improve the percentage of pixels that appear in the TB or helps the mines go away faster, but it is not 100% confirmed.
Pets work with a happiness system that can go from 0 to 100 and that needs to be at least 50% so that the power of their abilities can be felt. To keep a pet happy, it is necessary to allow it to rest, give it food, drink and, from time to time, give it a toy or treat.
To give it water, just put the watering can in your hand and click on the pet, as if you were watering a crop. If you do it correctly, a tongue emoji will appear above its head.
To give it food, the first thing is to make or get Pet treats from the market, which are bone-shaped cookies, the favorite food of any pet. As with water, you must click on the pet; in this case, a heart emoji will appear. This food only lasts once per use.
As for toys, it is not a necessity at first, but sometimes the pet asks for it to be 100% happy. As a toy you can give it a Stick or also a Popberry, which works as a treat.
Pets have two ways of making their needs known: through emojis and, in case it is ignored for too long, by opening a conversation like any NPC in the game. They also provide information about the streak of days they have been well cared for.
Pets are customizable only once in their history and it is only when they are in capsule form, but be careful, it does not refer to name or appearance, whose characteristics are predetermined by the game itself. What can be customized is the score of the three skills that it can have.
Yes, all pets come with the three skills enabled, but it is a matter of how they are gestated, which determines which one will be dominant or if you want them to be "balanced", which is the least advisable, since it leaves the levels below 50 points, on a scale of 0 to 100.
To get the pet you want, you must then have 2 key elements, of course, in addition to the pet in its capsule form.
Keep in mind that JUMBO potions are necessary for the effect to be the best.
If you want the pet to have the three balanced skills, which again, is not the best option, you should put 10 Potions of each one. On the other hand, if you want a skill that is more dominant than the others, you should put more potions of that skill. It works like this:
Skills only have the limited functions mentioned above for now. However, keep in mind that a pet app is on the way and it is not yet known how that will change gameplay or if skills will have any role. Also, for now it doesn't matter which collection it is, whether it is the most common one (dogs) or the rarest ones like wolves, they don't have any additional features.
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