Ragnarok Landverse Genesis: The Evolution of the Classic MMORPG Comes to Ronin


2 months ago




The iconic MMORPG Ragnarok Online takes a step into the future with Ragnarok Landverse, its Web3 version, which will be available on the Ronin blockchain starting in Q1 2025. Under the name Ragnarok Landverse: Genesis, this new experience promises enhanced gameplay exclusive to Ronin users.

Get ready to rediscover Rune Midgard like never before!

What is Ragnarok Landverse?

Ragnarok Landverse is a free-to-play MMORPG that reimagines the Ragnarok Online universe in the Web3 ecosystem. This game combines the classic gameplay that has enamored millions with innovative blockchain-based features. Here you can:

  • Complete quests and take on monsters.
  • Participate in the exciting guild wars known as War of the Emperium.
  • Customize characters with unique job classes and fun outfits.

Enjoy key systems like:

  • Onchain Economy: Mine resources like adamantine or earn tokens as rewards.
  • Character progression.
  • Daily and weekly activities.
  • Moonstone shop and shrine systems.
  • Monster racing and stamina management.

In Landverse, you decide your destiny.

What does Genesis bring?

The Genesis version of Ronin represents a new beginning. This is a completely fresh experience, where existing assets from other Landverse servers will not be usable. This ensures a level playing field for all players.

Additionally, other Landverse servers will also migrate to Ronin in the future, cementing this alliance between two gaming titans.

Pre-register and Get Mysterious Rewards


Don't miss out! Follow these simple steps to pre-register and get ready for the action:

  • Click on “Pre-Register”.
  • Create an account on Maxion with your email.
  • Link your Ronin wallet and unlock potential mystery rewards.

Pre-registration is your ticket to the exciting world of Ragnarok Landverse: Genesis!

A Powerful Partnership

The launch of Ragnarok Landverse on Ronin is the result of a strategic collaboration between three key players. Zentry, known for developing a metagame ecosystem on Web3, is leading the initiative alongside its flagship studio, Maxion, which specializes in creating immersive experiences. Meanwhile, Gravity, the original publisher of the Ragnarok franchise, brings its legacy and experience to the project.

This partnership has not only made a revolutionary version of the game possible, but will also strengthen Ronin's infrastructure by operating a node validator, consolidating the network for future developments.

The Time Is Now!

With over 100 million players worldwide, the Ragnarok community continues to grow. This move towards Ronin allows a new generation of gamers to be integrated into the Web3 universe.

Don't miss your chance to be part of this revolution! Pre-register today and get ready to experience an MMORPG like never before.


Get ready for the adventure!





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