Ragnarok Monster World: ¡Últimos días para la 2nd CBT!


6 months ago




Ragnarok Monster World 2nd CBT

Ragnarok Monster World's second Closed Beta Test (CBT) is about to close, but you can still participate, and we want to highlight a few key points. The test is scheduled from September 10th to September 12th (GMT+7) and will last for three days, following a similar process to the first CBT.

What is the 2nd CBT for?

The main purpose of the 2nd CBT is to perform server stress tests. They aim to invite as many players as possible to participate, especially at the same time, to identify any potential server issues or game bugs.

Who can participate?

Just like the first CBT, everyone is welcome to participate! The game will be available for download via TestFlight (iOS) and Google Play (Android).

How can I participate with my Ragmon NFTs?

Ragmon NFT holders will be able to use their assets directly in-game by logging in with the account linked to their wallet. Holders of higher-level Ragmons will have a higher chance of winning, as they will be able to use them from day one.

How to play?

After downloading the game through TestFlight or Google Play, you'll need to log in:

  • If you've already linked your email and wallet on the website, simply log in with that email.
  • Your wallet will automatically connect in-game, allowing you to access and use any NFTs you own.
  • If you haven't yet linked your email and wallet, please do so before logging in. Not linking them may limit your ability to participate in certain events, so we recommend completing this step first.
You can check if your wallet is linked in-game by going to Settings -> Account.

Once you're logged in, set up your card decks with your strategy and play to win! There will be events based on your number of wins, so be sure to read this article for details.

How do I connect my Ronin wallet?

At the last CBT, many users had issues with the wallet integration, often because they wanted to link a different email or wallet.

To resolve this:

  • Log in with the email currently linked to your wallet on the website.
  • Go to your profile page and unlink your wallet.
  • Log out of the website.
  • Log in or create a new account with the email you want to use.
  • Link your wallet on the profile page.
  • If you wish to link a different wallet to your email, simply link the desired wallet after step 2.
How to report a bug?

For the 2nd CBT, all bug reports must be submitted here.. When reporting bugs, please provide as much detail as possible to help resolve issues effectively.

CBT Event - Real Tamer 2.0

During the 2nd CBT, there will be an event based on the number of wins players achieve. Participants can win multiple tickets to a drawing depending on their win count:

  • 25+ Wins: Win a ticket for a chance to win:
  • 80x Steam Goblin NFT
  • 600x Grizzly NFT
  • 50+ Wins: Win a ticket for a chance to win:
  • 10x Baphomet NFT
  • 30x Medusa NFT
  • 100x Banshee NFT
  • 100x Steam Goblin NFT
  • 100+ Wins: Win a ticket for a chance to win:
  • 1x Genesis Tame NFT
  • 30x Baphomet NFT
  • 50x Medusa NFT
  • 100x Yggdrasil Mythic Berries
  • 100x Legendary Berries Yggdrasil
Please make sure your wallet is linked to your account during gameplay to automatically join the event. Players will automatically join the raffle when they link their wallet to their account and meet all the conditions. All three raffles will be held on September 13, and rewards will be distributed sequentially after the raffles conclude.

Great challenges await you!





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