Claim and Staking Guide for $FAME (TGE)


3 hours ago




The Token Generation Event (TGE) of $FAME is the process where eligible participants can claim and stake their tokens. This guide explains how to connect wallets, verify token allocations, claim $FAME, and use the staking system to earn rewards. The requirements, steps to follow, and process rules are detailed.

What Do You Need to Participate?

Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • ETH in your wallet to pay transaction fees (gas fees) when staking; claiming tokens is free.
  • Access to the Ethereum Mainnet network.
  • A wallet compatible with Ethereum and EVM, such as MetaMask.

Important Dates

  • $FAME Claiming: March 12, 2025, 16:00 UTC.
  • Uniswap Pair Launch: March 12, 2025, 17:00 UTC.

Access and Steps to Follow

To start interacting with $FAME, you must complete the following steps:

Step 1: Log in with Your Game Account

  • Access the $FAME platform using your Rumble Kong League (RKL) account.
  • If you don't have an RKL account, you can log in with your email.
  • This step is mandatory to claim tokens earned in the game.

$FAME Platform


Step 2: Connect Your Twitter/X Account

  • Link the Twitter/X account you used during the Fame SocialFi event.
  • If you did not participate in the December 2024 SocialFi event, you can link any account or skip this step.
  • If your Twitter/X account is lost or disabled, you will not be able to recover the associated points.

Step 3: Connect Your Ethereum Wallets

  • Connect all wallets that hold RKL assets:
    ✔️ Kong Wallet (for Kongs NFTs).
    ✔️ Rookie Wallet.
    ✔️ Club Wallet.
  • The system will automatically detect your assets and available allocations.
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Step 4: Select an Airdrop Wallet

  • Only necessary if you earned points in SocialFi or Game Seasons.
  • Tokens earned in the game will be sent to the wallet you designate.
  • NFT-based tokens will be allocated directly to the wallet holding the NFTs.

Claiming $FAME Tokens

Once the setup process is complete, you can claim your tokens from the claim page.

Key Claim Features

  • View your total allocation, claimed balance, and locked balance.
  • See the token unlocking schedule and vesting timeline.
  • Claim tokens earned through different methods:
    ✔️ SocialFi and Playtest Points.
    ✔️ Game Seasons (Game Season 1 and 2).
  • Use a single "Claim" button to claim all available allocations.
  • Check your claim and unlock history.
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Claim Rules

  • NFT-based tokens are sent to the wallet holding the NFT.
  • Tokens earned in SocialFi or game seasons go to the airdrop wallet.
  • Tokens unlock according to the established vesting schedule.

NFT Staking

Leverage your NFTs for additional benefits:

NFT Staking Mechanics:

  • Connect your wallet (one active at a time).
  • The system detects eligible NFTs.
  • Choose individual NFTs or use "Stake All".
  • Approve and confirm the staking transactions.

To stake $FAME, you need a Kong, Rookie, or Club NFT. $FAME cannot be staked on its own; it boosts your NFT weekly rewards.

  • Connect your wallet.
  • Choose a staking period (longer periods yield more $FAME).
  • Confirm the transaction.

For NFT-associated $FAME tokens, 40% is available immediately upon claiming (only applies if you acquired the NFT before the Snapshot).

The remaining allocation (60%) can be earned through two staking mechanisms:

  1. Staking your NFT unlocks the ability to earn 30% of the total allocation over 18 months, with weekly claims.
  2. Staking your initial 40% $FAME tokens for the max period (10 months) allows you to earn the additional 30% allocation, with weekly claims.

The amount you can earn weekly is proportional to how much you stake and for how long, up to your max unlocked $FAME.

Join Discord for any questions or inquiries, and follow their social media to stay updated on official announcements about the game or token!

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