Summary of Season 3 of Fableborne

Yujuuu01 | OLA

2 months ago





Season 3 of Fableborne, which began on November 13, concluded on December 8. It presented a dynamic gameplay model and a significant amount of rewards, along with the possibility of participating in its airdrop. Let's review what Fableborne is and what players obtained for participating.

Developed by Pixion Games and first released on mobile devices in 2022, Fableborne is a mobile ARPG (Action Role-Playing Game) where players have three heroes at their disposal, which they control to overcome and defeat the enemy defenses of other players, while creating a small circuit with their best defenses to protect their kingdom from invaders.

It is a basic but addictive and entertaining model, where on one hand attack and looting are the main elements and where the skill and gameplay style of each player is crucial, while on the other hand there is defense, strengthened by a good strategy.

Rewards in the third season

During the third season, players could participate in different events such as Kingdom Conquest, Siege Survival, and Ronin Rampage to earn various rewards, including:

  • Fortune Keys: Obtained by completing missions in the game. They are used to open chests containing rewards such as Gold Essence, $POWER tokens, and NFTs.

  • Fortune Passes: A battle pass available for 10 $RON, which contained up to 18 chests with rewards such as Gold Essence, $POWER tokens, and NFT vouchers.

  • Gold Essence: With a total of 5 million accumulated, they were distributed in the three events mentioned above. It is the main currency of the game and is used to

Buy upgrades and resources within the game.

  • $POWER Tokens: The main token of the game, which can be used for in-game purchases.

In addition to the rewards mentioned above, it is important to highlight the other types of currency and special rewards within Fableborne.

  • Primordial Essence: This is a special reward reserved for NFT holders.

  • Silver Essence: Rewarded for participating in Fableborne web boss battles. Boss battles were only available during season 1.

  • Bronze Essence: Obtained by completing social missions.

  • NFT Vouchers: These vouchers can be redeemed for NFTs in the game, which can be collectibles or have value within the game's ecosystem.

  • $RON: In-game currency that can be used to purchase the Fortune Pass and other in-game purchases.


Season 3 of Fableborne brought a wide variety of rewards, attracting many players. With a simple, effective, and addictive gameplay style, matches felt light, and the incentives provided offered users an entertaining and engaging game.

As the season comes to an end, we can only look forward to more updates from the Fableborne team. If you didn't get a chance to participate, don't worry, there is surely much more to come from this amazing game in the near future.

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