Seraph Season 2: 50 BNB Prize Pool + 6.1 Million $SERAPH


4 hours ago




Seraph Season 2 is now live, bringing combat improvements, a restructured economy, and a massive reward pool of 50 BNB and $6.1 million SERAPH.

Players can compete in the Ladder Rankings, Chaos Realm Events, and Soul Spars Destruction to claim their share of the rewards.

What's New in Seraph Season 2

The new season introduces revamped challenges, improved mechanics, and meaningful rewards. Key features include:

  • Ladder Rewards: $800,000 SERAPH in prizes.

  • Chaos Realm Battles: 5,000,000 $SERAPH distributed weekly with special bonuses.

  • Soul Spars Destruction: 200,000 $SERAPH.

  • Exclusive Rewards: 50 BNB and 100,000 $SERAPH for Void Realm Key NFT holders and Ladder Ranking participants.

Reward Pool Distribution

Ladder Ranking and Token Distribution. All five character types, including the new Druid, can access the Ladder ranking rewards:

(For a full breakdown, it is recommended to check out the official Seraph Rankings Chart.)

Soul Spars Destruction

At the end of the season, players with Soul Spars will see them converted into chests that will be moved to the Chaos Backpack. Seven days later, the chests will be destroyed and players will receive rewards in tokens.

  • Total allocated: 200,000 $SERAPH

  • Distribution date: After the end of Season 2

Chaos Realm Battles

Players can obtain weekly rewards by participating in this event. During battles, "Unformed Seraph Feathers" can be obtained from treasure chests.

  • Weekly distribution: 1,000,000 tokens

  • Five-week total: 5,000,000 tokens

  • Additional rewards: To be announced mid-week

Season 2 Special Events

Ladder Reward Pool – Up to 50 BNB in ​​Prizes

Each week, 10 BNB is accumulated in a reward pool. The top three ranked players will receive lottery numbers. At the end of the season, a designated block on the Binance Smart Chain will determine the winning number.

  • Weekly 1st Place: 24 numbers

  • Weekly 2nd Place: 12 numbers

  • Weekly 3rd Place: 4 numbers

  • Total numbers generated: 1,000

Void Realm Key NFT Special Rewards

Void Realm Key NFT holders can get additional rewards:

  • $20,000 SERAPH accumulated weekly

  • Daily NFT holder catches

  • 7-digit lottery number assignment

Winning number will be drawn at the end of the season

What is Seraph

Seraph is an ARPG that combines fast-paced action, deep combat mechanics, and Web3 integration. Developed by Seraph Studio and backed by Actoz Soft, it offers a dark fantasy adventure where players own their in-game assets through blockchain technology.

Join the Battle – Season 2 is Underway

With millions in rewards and new combat mechanics, Season 2 of Seraph represents one of the game’s biggest events. Whether competing in the rankings, participating in Chaos Realm battles, or collecting Soul Spars, players have the chance to prove their skill and claim their share of the rewards.





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