Superchamps Bullet League: A 2D Battle Royale

Yujuuu01 | OLA

4 months ago




Developed by Joyride Games, available for Android and iOS, forming part of the Superchamps ecosystem and integrating blockchain technology. Bullet League is a 2D Battle Royale game, which provides a somewhat different experience than usual in this field, due to the way matches are carried out, thanks to this peculiarity.


Superchamps Academy is an institution dedicated to training the world's best warriors, the Superchamps: unique characters with special abilities and powers who are selected to compete in a series of challenges and battles on the mysterious Doom Island.


In solo mode, each match consists of up to 30 players who are transported to a platform-style map, which at times gives the feeling that one must rescue a princess in a distant castle. The purpose of the game is to be the last player standing and, as in any other Battle Royale, there are powerful weapons scattered throughout the map, each with different characteristics, ensuring that any player has a great experience due to the variety of these. Each player has three slots to carry weapons: rifle, revolver, uzi, shotgun, rifle, sniper rifle, bazooka, explosive grenades and gas; as well as healing items and shields, resources that are crucial to achieve victory. In addition, there is the building mechanic through the collection of minerals that will later be used to build chests (customizable blocks) that play a very important role.

When it comes to each player's strategy, they work both for blocking enemy attacks and for reaching places that would otherwise be unreachable for the player.

  • Game modes: In addition to the classic solo Battle Royale, there are other game modes such as: Squad Battle Royale, One Shot Sniper, Deathmatch, Booty Crab, and Premium Royale, to name a few, as there is a rotation every so often, and as a separate mention, there is the possibility of playing with friends in custom rooms of up to 32 players.
  • Weapon upgrades: Similar to other Battle Royale games, weapons are classified into different grades and differentiated by their colors: white or colorless for basic, green for intermediate, blue for advanced, purple for epic, and yellow for legendary. To upgrade a weapon, you need blueprints and coins.
  • Crates: These are items that can be obtained by playing matches, watching ads, or buying them in the store, inside they contain coins, cosmetics, blueprints, and/or characters.

Trophy Road and Ranking Points

Although it is already a quite competitive game in itself, Bullet League also incorporates a Trophy Road and Ranking Points system to further strengthen that competitiveness.

  • Trophy Road: It works through a sum of trophies obtained in matches, which serve as a measurement system for each player's rank: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Champion, and Grand Champion.
  • Ranking Points: These are obtained through collection in matches and/or missions, there is a leaderboard that shows the player in which position they are in each game mode and how many points they have.


Bullet League is a game that, despite currently being more based on web2 technology, has also chosen to adopt web3 technology.

  • Economy in web2: Here it follows a traditional model of microtransactions where the player can acquire different resources within the game such as cosmetics, gems, or coins with real money.

  • Ads: Although not really necessary and you can obtain coins, gems, keys, and blueprints organically just by playing, there are also ads within the game, and the player can choose to watch a few to increase their rewards.

  • Battle Pass: There is not much to explain, as is usual in a large number of games, there are two battle passes: one free and one paid that grants greater rewards.

  • Web3 economy: Although not fully implemented yet, Bullet League aims to add the Play-to-Earn (P2E) model, a model in which, while playing, rewards are obtained in the form of NFTs and Tokens.

  • NFTs: As a way to incentivize the most committed players to the project, the player can acquire NFTs through the Opensea page, which serve to obtain a greater reward in the $CHAMP token.

  • $CHAMP: It is the token that will play an essential part in the Superchamps ecosystem, it will be launched on a decentralized network and will be given to players for meeting the requirements in the Bullet League airdrop.
  • Airdrop: As a way to attract players to their ranks, Bullet League has put into practice the model of airdrops (token rewards given to players for following a series of steps). The way to participate in the airdrop is quite simple, just go to the page of

Superchamps, once inside the player must go to the "$CHAMP" section. Once inside, the player will be asked to log in with their wallet, once this is done they can see the missions required to earn points, which at the end of the season will count towards obtaining the $CHAMP token.

Bullet League is an entertaining and addictive game, at no point will the player feel that it is a burden to play in order to participate in the airdrop, as could be the case with other games, here the player's good experience prevails above all else. A game that combines both technologies in an exceptional way. Download it, play alone, with friends, or with our community.

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