All You Need to Know About the Immortal Rising 2 Airdrop


4 months ago





¿Cómo unirse a la campaña Path of Ascension?

Para unirte a la campaña Path of Ascension y comenzar a ganar SoulBound Tokens, simplemente descarga Immortal Rising 2 desde la App Store o Google Play Store. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de sumergirte en este emocionante mundo de fantasía oscura y ganar dinero real mientras juegas!


  • Participate in activities on platforms like Discord and X (formerly Twitter).
  • Additional rewards for interacting, sharing content, or participating in events.

How to get started?

  1. Claim your Awakening SBT This is the first step to participate in the airdrop. If you pre-registered, you should already have it in your account.

Pause What if you didn't pre-register?

If you did not pre-register for the Path of Ascension campaign and did not claim the SBT Immortal's Awakening, you can still participate, but you will miss out on some advantages.


  • Season 1 Missions: You can earn SBT by completing daily missions, in-game events, and participating in community activities.
  • You will not receive the Awakening SBT rewards: This SBT grants exclusive benefits that enhance your rank in the campaign.
  • Future missions: You can still participate in new missions and seasons, earning more SBT and $IMT tokens.

With that clarified, let's continue:

  1. Set up your Immutable Passport Connect your game account to Immortal Vault to manage your rewards and digital assets.

  1. Download the Game Download Immortal Rising 2 from the App Store or Google Play, and start exploring this world of dark fantasy.

What is the Immortal Vault?

The Immortal Vault is a mission platform that rewards you with ORB for completing missions. In short, your time and resources invested in supporting the project and community will be rewarded.

How to get started if you didn't pre-register?

If you didn't pre-register, follow these steps:

  • Download Immortal Rising 2: If you haven't already, you can download it

from the App Store or Google Play Store.

  • Connect your account with your Immutable Passport: This is key to being able to receive and store your SBT and tokens securely.
  • Actively participate in the campaign: Start completing daily missions and check-ins to earn SBT and get ready for future seasons.
  • Although SBT Immortal’s Awakening is an exclusive pre-registration bonus, you can still get a good portion of the campaign rewards if you participate actively. So don't worry! You still have many ways to win.

How does the campaign work?

  1. Claim your special SBT

If you pre-registered before the launch, you would have received the SBT Immortal’s Awakening, which gives you access to exclusive rewards.

  1. Participate in Season 1 (now available)

  2. Redeem your tokens at the end of the campaign

After completing the campaign, you can use your SBT to get $IMT, the in-game token, and thus improve your experience or exchange them within the ecosystem.

If you like role-playing games and want to earn real rewards, this is your chance. Download the game, start completing missions, and secure your share of the 50 million $IMT in rewards.

👉 Participate now





And find out the latest news


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