Portal Fantasy Airdrop: Earn $PFT Before the TGE

Yujuuu01 | OLA

10 days ago




Portal Fantasy is giving away $PFT tokens to active players as part of its Play to Airdrop (P2A) campaign. Players who complete missions and gain XP can claim these rewards.

Date and Duration

  • Airdrop Start: Currently ongoing.
  • Airdrop End: Before the Token Generation Event (TGE) / no defined date.
  • Key Distribution Dates: Rewards will be distributed during the TGE / no defined date.

How to Participate


  • Have a wallet compatible with AVAX.
  • Actively participate in the game by completing missions.
  • Optional: Participate in social media activities to earn additional rewards.

Steps to claim the rewards:

  1. Complete missions in the game to earn XP.
  2. Use the XP to buy keys.
  3. Open legendary chests to find relics.
  4. Redeem the relics for $PFT during the TGE.

Rewards and Benefits

What you get:

  • $PFT tokens.
  • NFTs and in-game cosmetics.
  • Exclusive skins.

Potential Value in the Ecosystem:

  • $PFT tokens can be used to unlock access to clubs, rewards, and exclusive cosmetics.
  • NFTs and skins enhance the gaming experience and can have value in the secondary market.

What is the $PFT Token?

The Portal Fantasy Token (PFT) is the main token of the Portal Fantasy ecosystem. This token is used exclusively in the Web3-enabled version of the game and has a total supply of one billion PFT. It can be used for various in-game activities, such as recharging Mana, buying land parcels, and participating in exclusive tournaments. Players can earn PFT by selling ingredients, Porbles, recipes, dyes, cosmetics, and other treasures.

NFTs in Portal Fantasy

The NFTs in Portal Fantasy include:

  • Porbles: Unique creatures that players can capture and train.
  • Relics: Essential items found in legendary chests that can be redeemed for $PFT.
  • Cosmetics and Skins: Exclusive customizations for characters and Porbles.
  • Zones and Adventures: Player-created maps and challenges that can be shared with the community.

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