How to start playing in Defi Kingdoms


3 hours ago




DeFi Kingdoms is a game that combines NFTs, DeFi, and RPG strategy in a medieval world. Players can collect and train heroes, complete quests, earn rewards, and participate in battles.

To play, you must acquire a Hero NFT beforehand or buy one in-game through the Marketplace. Without a Hero, you won’t be able to participate in quests or progress in the adventure.

If you are new to the game, this guide will help you take your first steps in a simple and straightforward way. You will learn how to create your account, choose your first heroes, start quests, and understand the basic mechanics to progress.

1. Creating an account and setting up your wallet

Before starting, you need a compatible wallet to interact with the game. The initial steps are:

  • Create a Wallet: Metamask and Rabby are the recommended options.
  • Connect your Wallet to the Game: Visit DeFi Kingdoms and follow the instructions to connect your wallet.
Defi Kingdoms

  • Select a Network: DFK Chain and Kaia Chain are the main networks used in the game.
  • Explore the Interface: Familiarize yourself with the game’s different sections, such as the Marketplace, Tavern, and Professions.

2. Acquiring JEWEL and Initial Resources

JEWEL is the main currency in the game and is used for various activities. To obtain it:

  • Buy JEWEL from an exchange and deposit it into your wallet.
  • Speak with the NPC "Onramps" at the Docks to buy it directly.
  • Exchange other tokens for JEWEL by speaking with "Dockmaster" and using the "Bridge Tokens" option.
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3. Buying Your First Heroes

Heroes are essential NFT characters for completing quests and progressing. To acquire your first hero:

  1. Go to the Tavern and speak with the "Agent."
  2. Select "Buy Hero" and use the filters to find a hero that fits your budget.
  3. Review their skills, professions, and number of summons before purchasing.

Which Heroes to Buy When Starting?

If you’re a beginner, look for affordable but efficient heroes for basic quests.

Profession Heroes:

  • Foraging: Good for gathering plants and runes.
  • Fishing: Ideal for gathering fish and eggs.
  • Mining: Useful for obtaining gold and unlocking blocked JEWEL.
  • Gardening: Improves rewards efficiency in the Gardens.

Recommended Classes:

  • Common (Cheaper and easier to get):
  • Thief and Archer: Good for Foraging.
  • Fisher: Good for Fishing.
  • Knight and Warrior: Good for Mining.
  • Rare or Advanced (More expensive but efficient):
  • Dragoon and Sage: Better performance in multiple professions.

Key Stats:

  • DEX (Dexterity) → Improves gathering.
  • INT (Intelligence) → Affects mission time.
  • STR (Strength) → Important for mining.
  • WIS (Wisdom) → Beneficial for gardening.

4. Completing Profession Quests

Profession quests are essential for earning rewards.

Steps to Complete Quests:

  1. Go to Professions and meet the NPCs.
  2. Select the type of quest (Foraging, Fishing, Mining, or Gardening).
  3. Add heroes to the quest.
  4. Wait for the required time to complete the quest.
  5. Collect the earned rewards.

Rewards can include gold, runes, eggs, plants, fish, and Gaia’s Tears.

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5. Leveling Up Heroes

As heroes gain experience, they can level up. To do so:

  • Visit the Meditation Circle and speak with the "Wanderer."
  • Select the hero and choose three stats to improve.
  • Use a rune and pay the CRYSTAL fee to begin meditation.
  • After 20 seconds, complete the meditation and review the hero’s improvements.

When to Level Up?

  • When a hero has enough accumulated XP.
  • Use Runes and CRYSTAL to improve the hero’s stats.
  • Choose stats that benefit the hero’s profession the most.
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Images provided by RenPen's

Final Tips

Buy heroes with good synergy for the quests you are interested in.
Manage your heroes' energy well to maximize quests.
Don’t spend all your rewards; reinvest in upgrading heroes or acquiring more.
Explore the marketplace for good buying and selling opportunities.

With this guide, you have the essential first steps to start in DeFi Kingdoms. Join the official Discord for more information







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