AMA Pixels: Llegan cambios a la energia, el tablero de tareas y ¿una economia on-chain?


5 months ago




AMA Summary October 2, 2024

Updates and improvements:

  • Chapter 2.5: Work will be done on controlling the game's economy, correcting the inflation of coins and resources. This chapter will arrive in installments, but new features are expected to be implemented by October 15:
  • New task board.
  • Changes in energy.
  • New recipes.
  • Durability of items. In a second phase, improvements will be added such as:
  • Boosters that increase mining efficiency and industry income.
  • Rotating shops to obtain limited items and a gacha mechanic that will use coins. (Mechanisms to remove coins in the short term are being sought.)
  • Some decisions will be put to a vote, such as the length of waiting times in industries.
  • Progress has been made in bot detection and prevention. 5-10 bot companies have been identified in Pixels. This ties in with some of the changes in Chapter 2.
  • Unrug Land: Measures such as land blacklisting, mass crop removal, removal of space and water crops, and increased rewards to land owners for farming on their land will be implemented.
  • New technologies and revenue improvements: We aim to distribute $PIXEL to users who play the game properly, those who love the game, and real users. Some players are expected to want to spend in-game, but it is not required.
  • Twitter Giveaway: We held a giveaway for Halloween-related pets. The winner was jepalima_jeff.


  • Become a leader in the web3 game industry.
  • Develop a web3 game ecosystem with significant revenue.
  • Create quality games, positive experiences, and opportunities to use $PIXEL.
  • Prioritize engaging content for players and also content created by players.

Questions and answers:

  • Why is there so much talk but no changes? There was a delay in implementing the changes due to the need to correct design errors, however, the work team had time to grow, enrich the ecosystem and is ready to start releasing changes.

  • Why have features that made sense for NFT lands, such as coop and the mill, not been improved or modified? Work is underway on solutions that will bring balance back to NFT Lands, which will be attractive to players and thus return the value of use to them.

  • When will the energy be updated? The update is expected to arrive between Thursday or Friday of this week, it will depend on the results of various tests. (Perhaps the most important news of the AMA for the immediate future of the game, considering the current price of energy)

  • When will the plans to combat coin inflation be implemented? A preview was already made in this section, proof of which is the 50% reduction in coin inflation after the massive ban of bots.

  • Will the introduction of tags for players be considered as a tool to know what rewards they can get in TB? Options are being evaluated to classify players and provide rewards based on their play style, starting with skill levels, reputation system, etc.

  • Wouldn't it be better to bring back $BERRY and focus on on-chain features? The implementation of on-chain features depends on improving bot detection and prevention, in order to avoid the effect they had on Berry inflation and currently on coins. However, taking an example from other games like Lumiterra, you can start putting some items into on-chain power like apiaries that are limited and of high value. Coins would be part of the last thing to add.

This AMA is the first in a long time that shows a clear objective by the Pixels team and that presents proposals and strategies to execute in the short term, which restores the spirit to the community that has suffered the latest changes brought by Chapter 2.

Now more than ever, it is best that you try to level up your skills, taking into account that it will be part of the key points to have better rewards!

See you in Terra Villa!





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amaoctubre 2024actualizacionesmejoraseconomía del juegoinflaciónmonedasrecursostablero de tareasenergíarecetasdurabilidad de los objetospotenciadoresmineríaingresostiendas rotatoriasmecánica gachavotacióntiempos de esperadetección de botsempresas dedicadas a botsunrug landlista negra de tierrascultivosrecompensastecnologíasdistribución de pixelsorteo en twitterlíder en la industriajuegos web3ecosistemacalidadcontenido atractivocontenido creado por los jugadorespreguntas y respuestascambioserrores de diseñotierras nftcoopmolinoactualización de energíaplanes para combatir la inflaciónetiquetas para jugadoresrecompensas en tbregreso de $berrycaracterísticas on-chaindetección y prevención de botsanimo de la comunidadnivel de skillsTerra Villa

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