Mid-Year Analysis of Ronin Network for 2024


7 months ago




Ronin's journey during the first half of 2024 has marked a significant turning point in the world of blockchain gaming. With rapid user growth, partnerships, and technological advancements, Ronin has solidified its position as one of the leading gaming blockchains. This article is a summary of their mid-year report, offering an in-depth look at Ronin's rise, the innovations driving its growth, and what the future holds.

The Ronin Effect

The past six months have seen notable growth for Ronin Network, particularly in its user base and gaming ecosystem. By mid-2024, Ronin's daily active users (DAU) increased from 200,000 to over 1.5 million, reflecting a 6.8x increase since December 2023. This significant growth was accompanied by a tenfold increase in trading volume on Mavis Market, with NFT collections like Kaidro and Ragnarok contributing millions in RON sales.

One of the main catalysts for this growth was the inclusion of Ronin's native token, RON, on major exchanges like Binance and Coinbase. This not only provided easier access for millions of users but also boosted Ronin's presence in the global blockchain landscape. Today, there are over 10.3 million RON holders and Ronin Wallet downloads exceed 3 million. Integration with BinancePay and CoinbasePay further streamlined the process of onboarding new users.

Ronin's gaming ecosystem now features 15 playable titles, ranging from MMORPGs to puzzle games, showcasing the platform's versatility. This variety has attracted players from around the world, reinforcing Ronin's position as

a transacciones por segundo, Ronin está preparado para satisfacer la creciente demanda de juegos de blockchain en el futuro cercano.

millions or even 4 billion transactions per day, the Ronin network could see the implementation of multiple Layer 2 chains. This development will also allow external developers to create custom blockchains on Ronin, potentially leading to exclusive chains for major games like Pixels and Apeiron.

Improvements in Ronin Wallet and Ronin Bridge

The Ronin wallet underwent a significant upgrade in early 2024, with the addition of support for multiple chains, increased security through MPC technology, and a new user interface. The Ronin wallet now seamlessly integrates with platforms like Katana DEX, allowing users to manage assets, stake RON, and exchange NFTs with ease.

Furthermore, the Ronin bridge was improved to facilitate smooth token transfers between Ronin and Ethereum. By mid-2024, the bridge had processed over $1.6 billion in volume, providing developers with the necessary tools to integrate their tokens and assets across all networks.

Katana DEX and the rise of new tokens

Katana DEX, Ronin's decentralized exchange, also underwent a transformation in 2024. The addition of five new tokens, including $PIXEL and $APRS, has strengthened its position as a key component of the Ronin ecosystem. The Katana Innovation Zone, launched this year, now provides an open platform for the release of new tokens and further decentralizes the network.

Future roadmap

Looking ahead, Ronin is focused on expanding its ecosystem with more partnerships, games, and infrastructure through the Ronin Forge program. This initiative, launched in June, offers access

anticipated by Web3 developers and studios to create and launch games on Ronin. Selected applicants receive grants, access to Ronin's technical infrastructure, and direct involvement with the growing community.

As Ronin moves towards the second half of 2024, several exciting advancements are on the horizon:

  • More games will migrate to or be launched on Ronin, expanding its library and attracting new players.
  • Additional protocol updates will be made, including improvements through Ronin Evolution Proposals (REP), which will continue to enhance the platform.
  • The implementation of a reputation system is expected to reward committed users and encourage deeper community engagement.

Final Thoughts

Ronin's growth in 2024 is the culmination of years of hard work and innovation. From its beginnings with Axie Infinity to becoming one of the leading blockchain gaming chains, Ronin has focused on scaling its technology and expanding its ecosystem. As the year progresses, Ronin is well positioned to lead the next wave of blockchain games, attracting more users, developers, and games to its rapidly evolving digital landscape. You can read the original report here.





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