Discover how to win with Evermoon

Yujuuu01 | OLA

3 months ago




The Economy of Evermoon: Tokens and NFTs

Evermoon is an innovative game that combines elements of decentralized finance (DeFi) and player-driven governance through its dual token and NFT system. Below, I will detail the key aspects of its economy, the involved tokens, their NFTs, and how to obtain them.

Evermoon Tokens

  1. Evermoon Token ($EVM): This is the governance token and plays a crucial role in the Evermoon ecosystem. With a total supply of one billion tokens, $EVM has multiple uses:

    • In-Game Utility: Players can use $EVM to acquire experience multipliers (EXP), necessary to unlock Sacred Beasts NFTs.
    • In-Game Purchases: $EVM allows players to buy various items within the game, such as rune page tickets and guild tickets.
    • DeFi Activities: Facilitates participation in decentralized finance activities within the game.
    • NFT Marketplace Transactions: Transaction fees in the Evermoon NFT marketplace can be paid with $EVM.
    • DAO Voting: Token holders can vote on game adjustments and changes through the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).
  2. Everstone Token ($ES): This token is fundamental for daily activities in Evermoon. It is used for in-game transactions, tournament fees, and to activate innovative game features. The supply of $ES is strategically managed with a dynamic burn mechanism to maintain its stability and value.

Evermoon NFTs

  1. Primary NFTs: These are unique digital items that players can own, trade, and use. They include:

    • Capsules: Special boxes that contain random items when opened.
    • Seasoned NFTs: Heroes and their skins that players control in the game. Each hero has unique abilities that contribute to the game's dynamics.
  2. Secondary NFTs: These NFTs enhance gameplay by offering customization options and in-game improvements. They include:

    • Sacred Beasts: Battle companions that increase the player's daily Stamina.
    • Runes: Improve heroes' abilities.
    • Tickets: Unlock new missions and additional game content.
    • Cards: Provide special benefits to support the player's progress.
    • Icons and Frames: Allow players to customize their profile with unique avatars and decorative borders.

How to Obtain Tokens

  • De-Zentrum Pool: Players can deposit $EVM in this pool to earn interest, monthly lottery entries, priority access to NFTs and merchandise, as well as additional benefits.
  • Participation in Tournaments and E-Sports: Players can earn $EVM by participating and performing well in tournaments and e-sports events organized by Evermoon.
  • Trading: $EVM can be traded on decentralized and centralized exchanges, allowing players to buy and sell tokens at their convenience.
  • Rank Rewards: Players can receive $EVM rewards at the end of each season, especially those who achieve the highest ranks in the game leaderboard.
  • Fiat Currency Purchase: A portion of the $EVM purchased with fiat currency is allocated to the Evermoon Treasury to support its economy and in-game activities.

Treasury System

The Evermoon Treasury is a system designed to support the price of $EVM tokens, reward the community, fund in-game activities, and provide liquidity for the platform's financial system. A portion of the $EVM used within the platform is stored in the Treasury, ensuring sustainable and balanced growth of the game's economy.

Evermoon combines the excitement of gaming with the innovation of blockchain technology, providing players not only entertainment but also opportunities to participate in a dynamic and rewarding virtual economy.

A MOBA That Goes Beyond

Evermoon not only aims to be an entertaining MOBA but also implements blockchain technology exceptionally for players who want to earn some rewards.

For more information about Evermoon 👉 Discover Evermoon: A Game That Will Revolutionize MOBAs





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