Adventure LandZ Minting: Everything You Need to Know


a month ago




The opportunity to be part of the Pixel Heroes Adventure ecosystem is coming soon! Adventure LandZ will be the hub of an economy where players can mine resources, develop their lands, and generate rewards.

With the minting just around the corner, those who acquire a LandZ will have a key role in the game's mechanics and will be able to take advantage of its benefits from the first moment. All the details of the minting are here.

LandZ Supply and Sales

The total supply of Adventure LandZ is 4,444 units, distributed in different categories:

  • Mythic: 100 units

  • Legendary: 900 units

  • Epic: 3,444 units

Sales Rounds

The total sale includes 4,000 units, reserving 444 for the team. The sales phases are:

  • Presale (Ticket): 1,000 units at 90 RON (February 28 - March 4)

  • Team Round: 444 units (March 4)

  • Guaranteed Whitelist: 2,000 units at 90 RON (March 4)

  • FCFS Whitelist: 1,000 units plus the leftovers from the previous round at 90 RON (March 4)

  • Public Sale: Remaining units at 90 RON (March 4)

LandZ reveal date: March 10.

Currently, there are several raffles active on X to acquire a pass to the LandZ minting. In OLA you can also find an active form to participate for a place.


Mining $ADVTR

LandZ owners can stake their NFTs to mine 7% of the total supply of $ADVTR over two years. This token is used for:

  • LandZ improvements

  • Purchases in the ADVTR store

  • Commerce within the ecosystem

Factors Affecting Mining

The efficiency of mining $ADVTR within Adventure LandZ is determined by several factors. LandZ grade and house level directly influence production, allowing for higher yields as infrastructure is upgraded.

The main building is the key element to optimize mining, while resource centers generate essential materials for development. Additionally, statues, which function as special NFTs, increase mining capacity and provide additional advantages within the ecosystem.

LandZ Structure and Features

Each LandZ is divided into two main zones:

  • Interior: Contains the House and harvesting buildings.

  • Exterior: Includes bosses and interactive objects.

In turn, there are also Buildings and Improvements

  • Main House: Regulates mining.

  • Resource Centers: Generate NFT materials.

  • Mercenary Center: Allows boss fights.

  • Decorative Buildings: LandZ customization.

Content for Non-Owners

Players without LandZ can participate in life activities within other LandZ and earn rewards, similar to the land system in Pixels:

  • Gathering: Mining, fishing, logging, and resource hunting.

  • Daily quests: Generate materials for character growth.

  • Fatigue system: Regulates the amount of daily activities.

  • Collection system: Allows you to record items obtained and receive permanent upgrades.

LandZ owners receive a portion of the rewards generated by these players.

Adventure LandZ offers multiple opportunities for players, whether they are land owners or participants in the Pixel Heroes Adventure economy. The combination of mining, automation, and competitive combat makes it a central element within the game.





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