Wilder World introduces The Breach - Super Early Access


a month ago




Wilder World is a developing metaverse that combines exploration, decentralized economy, and advanced gameplay mechanics. Its virtual world, Wiami, offers an immersive experience with a dynamic ecosystem. This article explores the game's first early access phase and its innovative game mode, The Breach.

Super Early Access

The Super Early Access is the game's first entry phase, allowing players to explore its world and test key mechanics. In this early access, The Breach is introduced, the first multiplayer game mode that will challenge players in intense battles within Wiami.


The Breach

The Breach is a 5v5 match-based game mode where players will face both rival teams and AI-controlled enemies. Located in the NEXUS sector, this scenario is designed to offer high-action and tactical engagements.

Gameplay and Objectives

Players start in a deployment ship, where they can coordinate strategies with their team before parachuting into different map points. Once on the ground, they must search for equipment, gather weapons and resources to face challenges. During the match, they can buy gear at purchase stations, recover items from defeated enemies, and work together to advance towards objectives.

The main challenge is to infiltrate the Resource Depot, a highly protected zone where they must fight against waves of AI-controlled enemies and rival teams. The match culminates in a confrontation against the Mech Boss, a formidable enemy requiring cooperation and strategy to defeat.

Economy and Rewards

The game integrates with the ZERO + Z Chain blockchain, allowing secure asset management and transactions without intermediaries. Its economy revolves around the WILD token, which players can use for in-game purchases, reviving allies, and upgrading their equipment.

Throughout the matches, players will receive rewards in the form of NFTs, including exclusive weapons, skins, and other special items that can be traded or sold in the marketplace. Additionally, as they progress in The Breach, they will accumulate experience that unlocks new abilities and upgrades, optimizing their performance in future matches.

Key Mechanics

  • Movement: Players can move freely in first and third person, engage in melee combat, use firearms, and navigate the map strategically.
  • Exploration and Strategy: The map's vertical structure offers multiple access routes, cover zones, and opportunities to flank enemies.
  • Enemies:
    1- Open Mask (Low difficulty): Patrol exterior zones and pose a minor threat.
    2- Ants (Medium difficulty): Highly mobile enemies that attack in groups and can climb structures.
    3- Spartans (High difficulty): Elite units with advanced weapons and more challenging AI.
  • Progression: Players can earn experience (XP) by completing missions, eliminating enemies, and securing resources. This experience unlocks new abilities, equipment, and customization options for their character.

Play the Super Early Access now and add Wilder World to your whitelist. Visit the complete DevLog 13 for more information about the game.

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