XOCIETY: A Web3 Shooter & MMORPG Metaverse


a month ago




XOCIETY is a science-fiction-based metaverse that combines third-person shooter and MMORPG mechanics. This project, developed by the Team NDUS, seeks to integrate deep narrative elements, economic systems that allow generating profits while progressing, and generating a community of players who can contribute to the development of the virtual world.

Therefore, in this article, the key aspects of this game are detailed.

An immersive and persistent world

XOCIETY is set on an Earth rebuilt after millennia of human hibernation. The game experience is expected to be fully recorded on the blockchain, seeking to be honest and 100% public.

The game's background focuses on the creation of an energy source called MOTUS, generated from human happiness. As this happiness became scarce, humanity faced an energy crisis that led to conflict and social collapse.

As a solution, the population entered mass hibernation under the supervision of an artificial intelligence called NDUS, in the hopes of restarting civilization. This narrative is developed by MJ Lee, creator of Ragnarok, and YK Choe.

Project Phases: Play, Earn, and Build

XOCIETY's gameplay concept is divided into two phases, allowing the player to choose the game style that best suits their tastes and way of obtaining rewards, although in this case, the two modes depend on each other.

  1. Game Phase: "Shoot, Earn, Pioneer"

Shoot: Players face hostile creatures and other players, to secure territories and rebuild civilization. The combat system, based on Shooter mechanics, aims to provide an attractive environment that keeps the adventure afloat and is a replayable experience.

Earn: By collecting loot and mining, players can improve their equipment or trade assets on the market. All transactions within this metaverse are on-chain, so there is no risk of scamming, as long as it is within the marketplace.

Pioneer (Explore): Players conquer unknown regions, accessing better resources and territories. These assets, from weapons to land, have their own uses and values ​​within the game.

  1. Metaverse Phase: "Build your Metaverse"

In the rebooted Earth of XOCIETY, hundreds of regions are undiscovered and the chances of obtaining better loot match the threat level of monster activities. By conquering and developing more dangerous areas, players can claim higher quality assets and materials, even the land itself.

Players can choose to settle and farm the region or trade the property and continue the conquest as explorers.

XOCIETY sets itself apart from other P2E games by prioritizing the sustainability of its economy and player enjoyment, rather than guaranteeing profits. The economic model includes all in-game assets, from weapons to land, and their value is defined by their actual utility rather than speculation.

This game combines the power of immersive storytelling, solid gameplay mechanics, and a sustainable economy. It's a world where players can choose to engage in intense combat or build and contribute to the development of their own metaverse.

Ready to join XOCIETY?





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metaversociencia-ficciónshootermmorpgteam ndusnarrativasistemas económicoscomunidad de jugadoresmundo virtualtierra reconstruidacadena de bloquesenergía motushibernación humanacrisis energéticacolapso socialinteligencia artificialfases del proyectojugabilidadestilo de juegorecompensascombatebotinesmercadoexploraciónconquistaasentamientosostenibilidadeconomíadiversiónnarrativa inmersivamecánicas de juegoeconomía sosteniblecombates intensosdesarrollo de metaverso

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