Immortal Rising 2 reveals its roadmap for 2025: TGE, NFT, and new features on the way


a month ago




Immortal Rising 2's 2025 roadmap is now live, detailing upcoming features and improvements coming to the game in the coming months. Notable announcements include the $IMT TGE, the introduction of NFTs with unique stats and skills, and a faction system that will add new dynamics to the game.

Game Development in 2025

Each quarter will bring updates focused on different areas of the game:

  • Q1: $IMT TGE and expansion of base content.

  • Q2: Introduction of NFTs and Guild Competitions.

  • Q3: New gameplay mechanics and expansion of the world.

  • Q4: Cross-server multiplayer features, including the Guild Championship.

These changes are intended to improve gameplay and increase strategic options for players.

$IMT Launch and Rewards System

The $IMT TGE, the in-game governance and utility token, will allow players to unlock premium content and participate in votes on key in-game decisions. Additionally, an exchange bridge will be enabled between $IMT and Starlight, an in-game currency earned through the ranking system and token staking.

Players will be able to use Starlight to craft NFTs and vote on aspects related to the game's rules and economy.

NFTs with in-game utility

In Q2, the first NFT collection will be released, including gear, avatars, and weapons with unique stats and abilities. Players will be able to upgrade these items and trade them on the market.

Later in Q3, NFT mercenaries will be introduced, characters that can accompany players in combat.

Faction system and new mechanics

The game will incorporate two factions: Celestials and Infernals, each with exclusive missions and events. Additionally, players will be able to represent their faction within the Discord server and receive rewards for their participation.

This system is expected to be implemented in Q2 along with the introduction of Guild Wars.

2024 Progress Summary

Last year, Immortal Rising 2 saw significant growth with its launch on Android and iOS, reaching nearly 2 million registered players. It also expanded its social media community and participated in events such as Korea Blockchain Week and Tokyo Game Show.

Additionally, early Play-to-Airdrop (P2A) campaigns managed to attract a large number of players and consolidate the game's presence within the Immutable ecosystem.

With Launchpool Season 3 still ongoing until February 11, players have the opportunity to participate and earn $IMT rewards. In the meantime, the community can look forward to more developments throughout 2025, with gameplay improvements and new ways to interact within the game.

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