Industry Limits and New Task Board? First Pixels AMA 2025


3 months ago




We've started the year with news that promises a transformational 2025 for Pixels, all in response to community feedback and, according to Luke and Heidi, thanks to the new team of 25 people who are part of Pixels.

From the strategic pillars of 2025 to the discontent of landowners, you can find all that and more in this summary of the first AMA of the year at Pixels.

2024 Review and 2025 Outlook

On Pixels' X profile and on the OLA page, you can find the 2024 recap, a showcase of the achievements made during the year.

The biggest changes will come in January, such as industry limits and item experience balance. Some Chapter 1 meta mechanics will likely return. However, the only thing that's certain so far is that, regardless of the phase they're in, these changes should be implemented this month.

Priorities for 2025:

  • Improve the core gameplay to make it more entertaining, as monotony is one of the main problems of the game. Currently, it focuses solely on farming (something almost impossible at the moment due to the entire market being in losses) and completing the task board.

  • Introduce new content: events, narratives, and tasks such as pet care on the Taskboard. However, as was made clear with the carnival and its rewards (the cow, the sheep, and the turkey), new elements will appear that will add complexity to this skill.

  • The whitepaper had to be almost completely rewritten to reflect advancements in P2E technology.

  • Finally, after a stubborn attitude from Luke and Heidi, $PIXEL staking will be introduced with in-game benefits and a focus on governance, similar to what Pirate Nation offers.

Key Updates

Among the gameplay changes, land balancing and the inclusion of mechanics that reinforce daily participation will be prioritized. This means that now land owners will truly feel rewarded, and in addition, users who log in every day will be rewarded.

How will this reward be achieved? Simple: those users who do not log in for a certain amount of time may lose part of their reputation. On the contrary, those who are constant will receive bonuses, as is currently the case, but with a greater boost for loyalty and time.

A new version of the Taskboard will be released, but this time it seems that it will have a change of base, not just in form and simple tasks. It will be released in the first quarter and will be accompanied by the Merchant Ships, although the latter could be delayed a little if necessary.

New content

  • An initial version of the pet care game is planned to be released in March.

  • A new member will join the team who specializes in surplus adjustments and landowner-specific tasks, providing new ways to earn rewards. These are expected to be tangible in-game starting January 20th.

Economy and Events

Pixel Dungeons is temporarily open to all players with no reputation requirements. With it comes a new betting and reward system in Pixels, where everything will depend on your skills in controlling your character.

Future events will be more accessible and less geared toward aggressive monetization. Monetization evident in the Spore Sports event, which hopefully in its third iteration will not exclude guilds that cannot sustain an aggressive economy that burns more than a billion coins per week at a minimum.

Highlighted answers to community questions

  • Tool debasement: This is an intentional mechanic to prevent excessive accumulation.

  • Slow progress on updates: The need to improve the speed of implementation was acknowledged and the commitment to make tangible progress on a weekly basis was emphasized. It is essential that the work of the 25-person team is evident.

  • Landowner concerns: Balance changes will be a priority in January, including the integration of lands into new areas of the game.

The AMA highlighted Pixels' commitment to improving the experience of its players in 2025. The planned updates seek to address key issues and expand interaction options.

However, it is important to keep an eye on how faithfully these changes will be implemented, as they have been making the same promises for several months. Pixels has a bright future, but its success also depends on the performance of the team.

See you at Terra Villa!





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