AMA Pixels: Get ready for the new meta coming in January!


3 months ago




Even though we had a surprise AMA on Monday, Luke and Heidi did not miss the opportunity to reveal the big changes coming to Pixels on Wednesday. It will be a new year with a new Pixels!

Here is a summary of the highlights:

Content Explosion: New Games and Events

The Pixels ecosystem is more vibrant than ever. In just eight days, Spore Sports, the new name for Guild Wars, was launched. This launch was accompanied by the spectacular Winter Carnival, which has captivated the community with its diversity of activities and the penguins as new pets that arrive in Terra Villa.

But that's not all, the team confirmed that the Chapter 2.5 update is almost ready, arriving in early January. This version will not only be bigger than planned, but will completely transform the game's meta, marking a before and after in the Pixels experience.

In parallel, players have several ways to obtain pet coupons, such as the Mistletoken stores, the Pixmas Tree, and the long-awaited Pet Present (“gacha”) of the last week of the event. These types of initiatives are designed to keep the fun going while expanding the possibilities within the game and giving more uses to the token.

Finally, the team announced an exciting Pixel Dungeons tournament, where 16 content creators will compete live this Friday and Saturday. This event promises to be an unmissable experience for both players and spectators.

This is the first event of its kind, so let's see what surprises it brings!

Direct Answers to the Community

During the Q&A session, numerous issues that were troubling players were addressed. Some of the highlights were:

About items and mechanics:

The team confirmed that the Pixel Star Ornament, part of the Christmas quests, can be obtained through rotating shops that offer limited-time items. This approach seeks to facilitate access without compromising competitiveness.

In addition, it was revealed that the reputation requirement to access Pixel Dungeons has been reduced from 3000 to 2000 points, improving accessibility for players in the free arenas; the premium ones will not have a minimum.

Game Economy and Difficulty: In an effort to balance the economy, major changes will be introduced with Update 2.5, such as industry limits and recipe adjustments. These modifications also seek to reduce bot activity and provide a more challenging experience for players.

User Experience Improvements: The team acknowledged that events like the Christmas Carnival and Guild Wars became too complex. In response, they plan to streamline live operations and improve the initial experience for new players, especially during their first 30 days in the game.

Looking Ahead

With a clear vision towards 2025, Pixels will continue to work on new mechanics and the connection between different ecosystems within the game.

The long-awaited Chapter 3 will serve as a foundation for integrating innovative features, such as gameplay loops that reward players with tools usable in Pixel Dungeons. Additionally, economic systems will be simplified to compete with traditional games (“Web2”), elevating the overall quality of the experience.

Get Involved and Be Part of the Action!

Don’t miss out on everything that happens in the Pixels universe! This weekend, tune in to the Pixel Dungeons tournament and find out who will be crowned champions. Also, take advantage of the holiday events to prepare your strategy before the arrival of Chapter 2.5.

The adventure is just beginning, and you are a fundamental part of this exciting journey.

See you in Terra Villa!





And find out the latest news


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