Pixels: Novedades y mejoras en el juego, ¡prepara tu cuenta para el futuro!


4 months ago




AMA Recap November 6, 2024

At the November 6, 2024 AMA, Luke and Heidi again surprised us with new updates and exciting plans for the game, which involve converging the web3 ecosystem with Pixels, which is indeed promising for its future. Here is a summary of the key points discussed:

  • Login with Pixels: A new feature has been launched that allows other games to use the account and reputation of Pixels players. In addition, it is expected that players will be able to spend $PIXEL in other games and share assets with each other. (imagine this system in Lumiterra, where reputation is also a central axis for players)

  • Wine Update: An update has been made regarding wines in the game, although no specific details were given on the changes made. But for that, you can find the relevant data here

  • Game Improvements: The team is working on improving the game in Chapter 2.5. Adjustments have been made to the task board, industry limits, EXP curves, item durability, and T3/T4 resources. A new merchant ship feature is also in development. Version 2.5 is expected to be ready by the end of this month and finalized by early December.

  • End-game content: Chapter 3 will focus on end-game content. Players will be able to earn different types of content besides $PIXEL, and wines will play an important role on merchant ships, so expanding the tiers in this industry is expected and on the table.

  • Rare industries: The team has plans to introduce rare end-game industries, such as wineries. Different levels of wineries will be introduced gradually.

  • More content in the chain: The team is working on adding more content in the chain, such as Halloween costumes. The possibility of redoing the way Gachas are made to be more transparent is also being considered. This would also allow the game's economy to be rethought and see a Berry-like system again, but avoiding token inflation.

  • $PIXEL Burn: Over the past 30 days, 9.24 million $PIXEL have been burned, which is a 15-20% improvement month-over-month. Although daily addresses have decreased, spending has increased. The team is working on improving detection and removal of incentives for bots. The Halloween event was a complete success for pixel burning.

  • $SUPERVERSE Launch: The launch of $SUPERVERSE was announced, and players were encouraged to check out their favorite Pixels content creators for more information about it. Find out more at the bottom.

  • Binance Blockchain Week: Participation in the Binance Blockchain Week was successful, with over 230,000 participants. These types of events are important for trading rewards for Pixels players, as well as bringing new investment systems to the ecosystem.

As is common in recent weeks, the AMA on November 6, 2024 revealed exciting updates and plans for Pixels. Players can expect gameplay improvements, end-game content, and the ability to interact with other games through the Pixels login feature. Additionally, steps are being taken to improve the gameplay experience and combat botting.

$SUPER Quest Event

This event is a new Pixel alliance, in this case with Superverse, so you will need to have $SUPER tokens in your wallet to participate:

  • Deposit 10 $SUPER tokens in Pixels through the Dashboard
  • Buy $SUPER Stars, inside the Superverse ship (you can find it behind the sauna)
  • Give them to the NPC elliotrades
  • Enjoy some new glasses as a significant reward for this event Possibly as in other cases, this event is a new gacha to discover who the real players are, however, it is important that Please consider whether it is within your possibilities to participate, since the $SUPER token is currently at 1.4 USD.

See you at Terra Villa!





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