¡Explora los mares con el nuevo acceso a Pirate Nation con OLA!


5 months ago




Raise anchor and set sail for adventure with Pirate Nation!

Tired of the same old games? Do you dream of leading a crew of badass pirates and conquering the seven seas? Then Pirate Nation is for you!

Pirate Nation is a game full of high seas adventure, hidden treasure, and endless fun! Take on the role of a Pirate Lord and collect a crew of buccaneers to send on exciting quests.

On these quests, your pirates will gather materials to build ships, find valuable treasure, and accumulate gold to expand your pirate empire!

What can I do in Pirate Nation?

In Pirate Nation, you can explore the sea in search of monsters that you can face, defeat, and obtain Booty points, which is the most important thing right now, since the more you manage to get, the greater the reward of your airdrop will be.

You can also complete a maximum of 5 normal Gauntlet (missions) and another 5 difficult ones to obtain materials, Booty points, and Commander XP (a rank that you will need to have at level 10 to be able to access the chain market and make a profit while you position yourself for the airdrop).

Log in to the game daily to accumulate a % of streak that increases the amount of Booty points you can get per day and mission. Send your pirate captain on missions to rank up and get you some resources upon completion, however, you can also obtain basic materials such as wood, iron, etc., by exploring the map.

Start your pirate adventure!

To join the Pirate Nation crew, follow these simple steps:

  • You will need to get your invitation code. Currently it can only be accessed through invitation codes, which are very limited (between 2-5 per player, level 8 or higher), but the devs also provide codes if you convince them with a message on their X account.
  • Choose your Pirate Captain: Once you have your code, you can select your first pirate and prepare him for the adventure.
  • Build your fleet: Gather resources and build increasingly powerful ships to explore the seas. With the initial ship that the game gives you, you can perform the normal Gauntlet.
  • Customize your island with some items that you get with various tasks!
  • Go on missions: Send your pirates on missions to get treasure, gold and improve their skills.

Remember that the more booty points you get, the bigger your reward will be in the airdrop! In stage number 1, around 250k points were converted into $100! Don't miss this opportunity!

Pirate Nation awaits you! Get ready to live exciting adventures, build a pirate empire and be part of a unique community.

At OLAGG we have managed to get 7 access codes for the community, you will soon know how you can have one of them, don't miss the announcements on our discord

Set sail and set sail for adventure!





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