Pixels Winter Carnival 2024 is here!


3 months ago




Welcome to Pixels' Winter Carnival 2024, a highly anticipated event that brings with it new games, rewards, and lots of winter fun. Here are all the details to make the most of this celebration.

When is the event?

The carnival started unexpectedly on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, and will end on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Get ready to participate in different activities and get fantastic rewards.

To go to the carnival, just go to the center of Terra Villa and look for the tent on the upper left side.

Overview and Key Rewards

During the event, you'll play mini-games to earn Mistletokens in three colors: white, green, and red. These tokens can be redeemed at rotating shops offering everything from tree decorations (which you can earn a pet upon completion) and houses to pet vouchers in Gift Boxes.

Major Event Rewards:

  • Pet Penguins: Over 400 available.

  • Ice Sculptures: Speed ​​up production in specific industries by 5%.

Farming, Mining, Forestry: 400 available each.

Carpentry, Metalworking, Stone Carving: 200 available each.

Mill, Winemaking, Textiles: 60 available each.

  • Pixmas Tree: Collect all the seasonal decorations and earn 4 special gifts with bigger prizes.

Reputation System:

Complete your Pixmas tree and get 50 points.

Each “Starter Stocking” also grants 50 points, but they cost 30 pixels each, for a total expenditure of 90 pixels, being three.

Pixmas Tree 🎄

How ​​to start your tree?

  • When you enter the map, look for Doug Fir, who will be right behind the main tree. He will give you an empty Pixmas Tree and the mission to decorate it.

  • Place the tree on your farm.

Get decorations:

  • Play mini-games to earn Mistletokens (you'll need cookies) and buy decorations at the rotating shops.

  • If you miss any decorations, they will also be available in the “$PIXEL Gacha Boxes”.

  • During the last week of the event, each Mistletokens store will offer a star to complete your tree.

  • Starter Stockings include starter ornaments for your collection.

Rewards for completing the tree:

This is one of the most desired prizes when completing the Christmas tree:

  • 4 special gifts (“Pixmas Tree Gifts”), which can give you:
  • Pet coupons.

  • Ice sculptures.

  • Other unique prizes for the season.

How to get a penguin as a pet? 🐧

There are around 400 penguins available as rewards. You can get them in the following ways:

Pixel Presents (Gacha):

Purchase a gift at the Pixel Presents stores. There are 100 pet coupons available. They are currently discontinued, they were sold out within the first half hour of the event!

Mistletoken stores:

Each store offers 33 pet coupons.

  • Red Gift: 33 coupons.

  • Green Gift: 33 coupons.

  • White Gift: 33 coupons.

Pixmas Tree:

Complete the tree to get 4 gifts, including 101 pet coupons.

Last week's gifts:

100 coupons available in the “Pet Presents”.

Ice Sculptures and benefits 🌬️⬆️

Place an ice sculpture on your farm to speed up the production of the associated industry by 5%. These sculptures are available in:

Pixel Presents (Gacha):

Farming, Mining, and Forestry: 400 available each.

Mistletoken Shops:

  • Woodworking Sculpture (Green): 150.

  • Metalworking Sculpture (Red): 150.

  • Stone Carving Sculpture (White): 150.

Pixmas Tree Gifts:

  • Mill, Winemaking, and Textiles: 60 available each.

  • Rotating Shops and Surprise Boxes

Mistletoken Shops:

Three shops rotate weekly: Red, Green, and White. Each offers different items, including Surprise Boxes.

Gacha Boxes:

Price: from 200 Mistletokens, depending on the difficulty of the minigames of the corresponding color.


  • Pet Coupons (33 per box).

  • Ice Sculptures (50 per box).

  • Other Prizes.

Cookie Credits 🍪

You'll need Cookie Credits to play the mini-games. Here's how to get them!

  • Collect 5 free Cookies at Granny's Shop every 24 hours.

  • Exchange 33 Old Tickets for 1 additional Cookie at Santa's Speck House.

Purchase Bundles:

1 $PIXEL = 5 Cookies (Purchase limit: 2 times per day).

4 $PIXEL = 25 Cookies (purchase limit: 1 time per day).

Starter Stockings 🧦

In addition to the reputation they provide, you can get an advantage with the Starter Stockings. Each one includes:

  • 30 Cookie Credits.

  • 600 Mistletokens.

  • 5 limited-use sweater recipes.

  • 1 tree ornament.

  • 1 outfit.

  • 50 reputation points.

You can buy one stocking of each color: white, green, or red, but only once per type.

Pixel Presents Stores 🎁

Currently we only find valid at the carnival, in Luke and Heidi's Pixels Present store, which can give you:

  • Ice sculptures.

  • Tree ornaments.

  • Skins for your house.

Christmas sweaters.

And more.

Enjoy Winter Carnival 2024 and don't miss the chance to win amazing prizes while having fun with the Pixels community!

See you in Terra Villa!





And find out the latest news


winter carnivalPixelseventojuegosrecompensasdiversión invernalfechamartes 17 de diciembre de 2024martes 7 de enero de 2025actividadesTerra Villacarpamistletokensblancoverderojotiendas rotativasadornosárbolcasacupones para mascotascajas sorpresapingüinos como mascotasesculturas de hieloproducciónagriculturamineríasilviculturacarpinteríametalurgiatallado de piedramolinovinificacióntextilespixmas treeregalos especialessistema de reputaciónstarter stockingpixmas tree vacíodecorargalletaspixel presentstiendas de mistletokensregalosúltima semanaestrellacompletarpremiospingüino como mascotabeneficiosindustria asociadatiendascookie creditsmini-juegospaquetesstarter stockingsventajatiendas pixel presentslukeheidiskinssuéteres de navidadcomunidad de pixels

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