Parallel: El Futuro de los Coleccionables Digitales en Tus Manos


4 months ago




What is Parallel?

Parallel is a collectible card game that immerses you in a science fiction universe. Imagine a world where humanity has evolved along five distinct paths, each with its own unique abilities and characteristics. These paths are called "Parallels".

In this game, you collect cards that represent creatures, items, and abilities from these different Parallels. With these cards, build custom decks and face other players in exciting duels.

The Parallels:

There are five "Parallels" that represent different evolutionary paths of humanity: Augencore, Earthen, Kathari, Marcolian, and The Shroud. Each offers a distinct style of play.

Digital Collectibles: Cards are represented by unique digital tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing for verifiable ownership and trading.


You can play Parallel without purchasing physical cards. The game offers a free-to-play mode for players to build their decks and participate in matches.

Game Mechanics:

  • Deck: Each deck consists of 40 cards, with a limit of 3 copies per card (except for legendary cards).

  • Universals: Cards that can be included in any deck, regardless of parallel.

  • Spawns: Cards obtained through play, which are unique to each account. ### Releases: ###### Base Set: Already released and complete.


New expansions are expected, such as Planetfall, which will add new cards and mechanics.

Unique Features:

  • 3D Art: Each card features a unique 3D art design.

  • Customization: Players can create multiple decks and customize their strategies.

How to Play?

  • Download: Download the game for free.

  • Build Your Deck: Choose a parallel and start collecting cards to build your deck.

  • Play Online: Compete against other players in online matches.

Objective of the Game:

  • Reduce your opponent's total health to 0. Players start the game with 30 health.
Deck Size: A deck consists of 40 cards.

Parallel Mix:

A deck can contain cards from only one Parallel, but can also include Universal cards. Universal Cards: Universal cards do not belong to any parallel and can be used in all decks.

Card Types:

There are 4 types of cards:

UNITS: Creatures, constructs, and beings of all types that can occupy the board and participate in combat.

RELICS: Non-combatant permanents that can occupy the board and have various effects, whether persistent, activated, or temporary.

EFFECTS: One-time events that do something and then are wasted.

UPGRADES: A type of card that attaches to a Unit on the field and changes its Stats and/or Skills.

This is just a taste of what awaits you in Parallel, do you want to know how to play?

Find the guide here





And find out the latest news


paralleljuego de cartasciencia ficciónuniversohabilidadescriaturasobjetosmazos personalizadosduelosparalelosaugencoreearthenkatharimarcolianthe shroudestilo de juegocoleccionables digitalesblockchainethereumpropiedad verificablecompraventajuego gratuitocartas físicasmodo gratuitomazosparticipar en partidasmecánica del juegocartascopiaslegendariasuniversalesaparicioneslanzamientosbase setplanetfallnuevas expansionesmecánicasarte 3dpersonalizacióndescargarconstruir mazojugar en líneaobjetivo del juegoreducir saludtamaño del mazomezcla de paraleloscartas universalestipos de cartasunidadesreliquiasefectosmejorasguía

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