What is $QUEST and how to earn it in RavenQuest?


15 hours ago




$QUEST is the on-chain premium currency of RavenQuest, designed to integrate with the game's Web3 ecosystem. Its main function is to allow players access to a variety of exclusive content, while maintaining a stable and sustainable economy.

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What is $QUEST used for in RavenQuest?

Customization and Cosmetics

  • Outfits and skins: Includes appearances for characters, Moas, ships, and carts.
  • Property decorations: Unique items to customize land and homes.
  • Exclusive NFT Cosmetics: Visual items with value within the game's ecosystem.

Expansion and Development

  • Effort Potion: Needed to access Community Land.
  • Purchase of community land: Acquisition of spaces within the world of RavenQuest.
  • Patron Membership: Offers exclusive advantages to players who subscribe monthly.
  • NFT Workers: Hire NFT workers to boost production.

Events and Competitions

  • Guild badges and Royal Patron: Enhances identity and prestige within the game.
  • Access to special events: Includes unique activities and the chance to earn RavenCards NFTs.

How to Earn $QUEST?

The game offers various ways to earn $QUEST, catering to different playstyles and participation levels. Among the most notable are:

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Fame and Renown in RavenQuest

Fame is obtained through a player's impact and participation in the world of RavenQuest. Every action within the game contributes to Fame, which is multiplied by Renown to determine how much $QUEST a player earns.

Players can accumulate Fame through various activities, suited to their playstyle:

Missions and events

  • Adventurer's Board: Complete daily quests to gain reputation.
  • Dungeons: Explore dungeons full of enemies and rewards.
  • Dynamic Events: Participate in spontaneous occurrences within the game.
  • Experience and Progression: Improve in professions or combat to gain Fame.

Competition and trade

  • Tradepacks: Transport valuable goods to gain prestige.
  • Guild Wars: Compete with other guilds for recognition and rewards.
  • RavenPacks: Use these packs to enhance your Fame.

Leaderboards and Guild Wars

Players can earn $QUEST by competing in:

  • Guild Wars, where the most successful guilds will receive substantial rewards.
  • Leaderboards, rewarding the top players both in overall rankings and in weekly standings.

Bounty Board ($QUEST Bounties)

The Bounty Board allows players to accept daily quests, some of which offer $QUEST as a reward. To maintain a balanced ecosystem, the number of quests that offer $QUEST will be constantly adjusted.

Some bounties will require turning in specific materials, helping to control the resource economy and prevent market saturation.

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Silver Coins Exchange

Players can exchange Silver Coins for $QUEST, and vice versa, in a system without a fixed conversion rate. The rate fluctuates in real-time according to the game's economy.

Silver Coins can be earned through:

  • Tradepacks.
  • Properties (Estates).
  • Professions (Weapon, armor, food, ship creation, etc.).
  • PvP and PvE Systems.
  • Story Quests.
  • Dynamic and Environmental Quests.
  • Mini-Games and Puzzles.

This conversion system allows players to choose how they want to progress in the game, ensuring that Silver and $QUEST maintain a stable and linked value.

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