RavenQuest Beta Phase 3 is about to begin!


4 months ago




It's the time we've all been waiting for!

On December 5, 2024, RavenQuest Beta Phase 3 arrives, and if you're a player looking to dive into a deep and exciting experience, now is your time!

With a host of improvements, revamped content, and new systems, RavenQuest is ready to challenge you and keep you active and entertained - and best of all, it's completely free to play.

What's New in Beta Phase 3?

If you've played previous versions, you'll know that RavenQuest doesn't take updates lightly. The new phase not only resets players' progress, but takes the game to another level.

Some of the most notable features include:

In RavenQuest Beta Phase 3, one of the most notable changes is the adjustment to the internal economy. The trading system has become much more robust and balanced, allowing both casual and competitive players to find their place.

You'll now be able to buy, sell, and trade more easily, creating a smoother and fairer trading experience. This overhaul promises to give more power to players, allowing for direct interaction with the game world in a more organic way, which will be especially appealing to those interested in economic dynamics.

Maps have also been filled with interactive elements, allowing for a richer experience when uncovering hidden secrets or facing unforeseen challenges.

On the other hand, the exploration of the world of RavenQuest has been greatly expanded. New areas have been unlocked, leading players to explore everything from hidden dungeons to forgotten cities that offer unique rewards.

New servers that will improve your experience within the game.

Finally, Beta 3 brings more polished gameplay mechanics, especially when it comes to skills and combat. Tweaks have been made that improve the dynamics between players, both in PvP and PvE situations.

Character abilities are now better balanced, opening up a wider range of options for those looking to customize their gaming experience.

A Recognition Not to Lose Sight Of

And if that weren't enough, RavenQuest has just been awarded "Best Adventure Game" at the GAM3 Awards 2024, an award that demonstrates the quality of the work behind this game. In such a competitive market, receiving this recognition is no small thing.

RavenQuest has managed to stand out for its innovative approach and its ability to offer an experience that mixes the best of MMORPGs.

Why Should You Play Now?

  • Exclusive Content: Players who participate in the Beta 3 phase will have exclusive access to in-game events, which will only be available at this stage.

  • Active Community: From their discord to social media, RavenQuest has built an active community of players who are committed to the game and its improvements. Here you don't just play, but you are part of something bigger, a universe that is always expanding.

  • Exclusive rewards: 11 million $QUEST in rewards.

🔥 1M $QUEST for the top players on all leaderboards . 🌟 Up to 6M $QUEST in gold-based rewards as the player base grows. 🏠 4M $QUEST for landowners. 🎖️ 300K $QUEST for a Guild Wars tournament.

Don't Wait Any Longer!

December 5, 2024 is just around the corner, and RavenQuest invites you to join this new stage of the game. Whether you're already an experienced player or someone looking for a new challenge, this is the perfect time to join us. It is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in a dynamic world full of possibilities.

Register now and secure your place in RavenQuest Beta 3! Not only will you be part of a new phase, but you will also be part of an award-winning game, with thousands of players who, like you , are ready to embark on a unique adventure.

See you inside the world of RavenQuest!





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