Providence: An Alien Odyssey Coming for Survival Lovers


2 months ago




In the vast cosmos of innovative games, Dynasty Studios' flagship title Providence stands as a unique proposition that fuses action, strategy, and cutting-edge technology. Built with Unreal Engine 5, this third-person multiplayer survival game promises a visually appealing, harmonious, and challenging experience

In Providence, you'll take on the role of a pioneer who has survived the Singularity - at least for now. To survive, you must conquer the wild alien landscapes and settle on more stable asteroids, known as Homesteads.

A Fragmented Story Between Worlds

The Providence universe takes place on the remains of destroyed planets, called Slipworlds, that float precariously above an abyss known as the Singularity. In this hostile environment, players take on the role of Trailblazers, pioneering explorers searching for valuable resources and lost technology in order to survive and thrive.

Homesteads are stable asteroids where players establish their permanent bases. From there, they embark on expeditions to Slipworlds, facing alien creatures and overcoming extreme conditions to earn exclusive rewards.

Key Game Features

Providence is not content to be just another survival game. Every aspect has been designed to offer depth and possibilities to players. Exploring the Slipworlds is not only about adapting to challenging environments, but also taking advantage of unique opportunities to generate real value.

The resources collected and alien artifacts obtained during expeditions play a crucial role within the game's economy.

For example, alien artifacts can be used to upgrade tools and equipment, granting significant advantages in future explorations. Technographies, meanwhile, unlock new capabilities, such as advanced skills or improvements in resource management.

Multiplayer also adds a layer of dynamism: some Slipworlds are cooperative and allow alliances to overcome challenges, while others introduce competitive elements where survival depends as much on your skills as your ability to negotiate or confront other players.

How to get started?

Create your Homestead:

  • Start by establishing a secure base on a stable asteroid.

  • Make sure to equip yourself with basic tools for your first expeditions.

Explore the Slipworlds:

  • Choose a Slipworld appropriate to your experience level.

  • Consider whether you want a purely PvE environment or one with PvPvE elements.

Manage your resources:

  • Collect rare materials and valuable items.

  • Trade on the market with other players to gain competitive advantages.

Face challenges:

  • Prepare to face alien creatures.

  • Use creative strategies and teamwork to overcome dangers.

Tips for new players

In Providence, every decision can make the difference between success and failure. If you're new, consider these tips:

Voyaging into the Slipworlds unprepared can be a costly mistake. Before you set out, research the type of environment and risks associated with each asteroid. Identify the resources you might need and plan your team accordingly. Not every Slipworld will be friendly; some can be far more deadly than they appear.

Collaboration is also key. Forming alliances with other players will not only allow you to tackle more complex challenges, but also share resources and knowledge to maximize your rewards. Be careful who you trust, though, especially in Slipworlds with competitive elements.

Finally, manage your resources wisely. Carrying too many valuable materials without a protection strategy can make you an easy target for other players or even the most aggressive alien creatures. Consider making multiple trips instead of risking everything in one expedition.

Community & Development

Dynasty Studios has been committed to transparency and player involvement in the development of Providence. The community can expect frequent updates and a playable alpha version coming soon, so get ready for the adventure.





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