Discover Evermoon: A Game That Will Revolutionize MOBAs

Yujuuu01 | OLA

3 months ago





Developed by KAP Games, Evermoon took its first steps in 2022 with a pre-beta phase and is set for an official launch in 2025. Evermoon is a classic 5v5, 3-lane MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game that combines the exciting gameplay of traditional online battle arenas with blockchain technology.

How to Play

Currently, Evermoon is in a beta phase, and any player wanting to try it can find it available for download on the Play Store. In this beta phase, battles are conducted against AI to test gameplay and report bugs. Once launched, the game will be available on both Android and iOS.


In Evermoon, matches take place on a three-lane map with a jungle, pitting two teams of 5 players against each other. The objective is to reach and destroy the enemy base through strategy and team battles. Being a classic MOBA, veteran players of this genre will find several familiar elements in Evermoon, such as a shop where they can purchase items that later transform into a more powerful singular item.

Free to Play and Play to Earn

Despite Evermoon incorporating blockchain technology as a core pillar, it promises an accessible experience for all players. With a Free to Play model, newcomers can start playing and earning with the game's initial heroes. This approach allows players to try the game and adapt before deciding to make any investment while ensuring that the benefits of the Evermoon game universe are available to all. Regardless of their investment, players have the opportunity to earn through various activities and gameplay participation.


Evermoon aims to become a competitive game by organizing international tournaments. These tournaments are expected to contribute to the mass adoption of Web3 games and establish Evermoon as a leader in the future of the gaming industry.


In Evermoon, various missions are implemented to encourage player activity through rewards obtained once these missions are completed. Evermoon offers two types of missions: daily missions and weekly missions, each with its unique set of conditions and rewards.


Evermoon employs a dual-token model as well as the implementation of NFTs, each with a distinct use but converging together.

  • $ES: Everstone ($ES) is the secondary token within the Evermoon ecosystem. It operates with an unlimited supply and serves as a utility token for various operations, both on-chain and off-chain, within the Evermoon ecosystem. Its utility includes serving as payment for various fees.

  • $EVM: Evermoon Token ($EVM) is the governance token of the Evermoon ecosystem. It has a total supply of 1 billion tokens. The use cases for $EVM tokens are multifaceted, extending from in-game utility to in-game purchases, participation in DeFi utilities, and governance of the Evermoon platform.

  • NFTs: Evermoon consists of two types of NFTs, primary and secondary. Primary NFTs are crucial for playing, while secondary NFTs offer additional ways to customize and enhance the gaming experience.

Axolt AI

Axolt AI is a VTuber inspired by axolotls, powered by artificial intelligence within Evermoon, functioning as a customer service agent in the game.

Over time, Axolt AI's capabilities will expand, reflecting its knowledge of cryptocurrencies and blockchain while maintaining a light-hearted and humorous tone, ensuring the AI remains a central and evolving figure in the user experience.

The Future of MOBAs

Evermoon is an ambitious project aiming to set a precedent within the industry. Being associated with Immutable and implementing both Web2 and Web3 gaming systems in a MOBA field, it undoubtedly has a great opportunity to tap into the market.

What are you waiting for to start trying Evermoon? Remember, you can already help the development team with your feedback.

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